Template:Infobox Vehicle

From Red Faction Wiki
Revision as of 07:05, 6 February 2024 by SimpleArrows (talk | contribs)

{{Infobox Vehicle
|name               =
|image              =
|imageinfo          =
|games              = 
|faction            = 
|appears            = 
|internal names     =
|type               =
|max_speed          =
|max_hp             =
|primary            =
|alt                =
|jump               =
|crouch/grenade     =
|size               = 
|number of seats    =
|mounted weapons    =

Guide to each parameter: View Template:Game and Template:Team for information on how to use them.

{{Infobox Vehicle
|name               = Display or commonly used name of vehicle
|image              = Only type the name of the image and its extension. Do not add [[File:]] or similar syntax (e.g. Col_Mini_Hauler.png)
|imageinfo          = Context for the image if needed, not necessary to include
|games              = {{Game|}}
|faction            = {{Team|}}
|appears            = Locations or levels where the vehicle appears
|internal names     = The name that the game files refers to the vehicle as. Use the internal name from the regular variant and remove any numbers and only use the common name in all the variants (e.g. if you have "EDF_APC-A_1", "EDF_APC_noturret", "EDF_APC-A_Gauss" then use "EDF_APC" as they are the common name)
|type               = Type/category of vehicle, e.g. Transport, Unused, Mission, etc.
|max_speed          = Max speed of the vehicle, include any speed measurement if it is mentioned in the game code. If there's no set max speed use the words Slow/Normal/Fast. For RF:G vehicles, EnforcedMaxSpeed is the value you're looking for, which uses the MPH measurement
|max_hp             = Max hit points of the vehicle, numerical value
|primary            = (RF2) The weapon used in primary fire
|alt                = (RF2) The weapon used in alternate fire
|jump               = (RF2) The weapon used in jump
|crouch/grenade     = (RF2) The weapon used in crouch/grenade
|size               = Small/Medium/Large
|number of seats    = Include driver and passenger seats
|mounted weapons    = Don't use for RF2 as the parameters for firing controls already explain them


{{Infobox Vehicle
|name               = The AHC-36 Military Gunship
|image              = Gunship.png
|games              = {{Game|RF2}}
|faction            = {{Team|RC}} <br> {{Team|RF2}}
|appears            = [[Foreign Lands]] <br> [[Public Information Building]] <br> [[Shrike's Wild Ride]] <br> [[Tank On The Town]] <br> [[Sopot's Deadly Embrace]]
|primary            = Fire Gatling Gun
|alt                = Fire Rocket Missiles
|jump               = Zoom
|crouch/grenade     = Target Lock
