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The weapons table file contains configuration settings for all player and entity weapons in Red Faction. Most conversion mods will edit this file to some extent.

Available Parameters

Raw Text (v1.20)

// weapons.tbl
// file to specify weapon characteristics
// --------------------
// Ordering of entries:
// --------------------
// All primary weapons are listed in the first section, followed by secondary weapons in the next.
// note: sounds use the following fields: filename, min_distance, volume_scale
// $Name: name of the weapon type
// $Display Name: interface display name of weapon
// $V3D Filename: disk filename for model used for projectile (can be "" to not render anything)
// $Flags: properties of the weapon. The following are supported
// "alt_fire" -- weapon has alt fire mode
// "continuous_fire" -- weapon fires continuously (fire sound loops)
// "alt_continuous_fire" -- weapon fires continuously in alt fire mode
// "flickers" -- weapon light flickers
// "thruster" -- light cast from rear of weapon
// "melee" -- weapon is melee
// "remote_charge" -- weapon is a remote charge
// "player_wep" -- weapon can be used by player
// "alt_zoom" -- alt fire activates zoom
// "underwater" -- weapon works underwater
// "from_eye" -- weapon fires from eye (otherwise fires from muzzle)
// "gravity" -- weapon projectile has gravity applied
// "fixed_muz_flash" -- don't randomly rotate muzzle flash on first-person view
// "alt_lock" -- alt fire requires a lock before can be fired
// "silent" -- weapon doesn't make noise when fired
// "drill" -- weapon has ability to drill
// "detonator" -- weapon is a detonator, used for remote charges
// "alt_custom_mode" -- alt fire puts weapon into custom mode
// "ps2_fp_full_clip" -- uses full clip renderer when rendering this weapon's first person model
// "no_world_collide" -- weapon doesn't collide with world
// $Flags2: more properties of the weapon. The following are supported
// "pierces_all"
// "random_bmp_orient"
// "cycle_alpha"
// "no_fire_through"
// "no_world_collide"
// "undeviating"
// "flame" -- specifies that the weapon is to behave like the flamethrower
// "has_scanner" -- specifies that the weapon has a heat scanner (like the rail gun) for its alt fire function
// "damage_self" -- specifies that the weapon can damage the player - for weapons with explosive charges.
// "has_pilot_flame" -- specifies that the weapon has a pilot flame (like the flamethrower)
// "multi_mesh_collide" -- in multiplayer, weapon must collide with player mesh to count as a hit (default is bounding box collision)
// $Cycle Position: (required IF AND ONLY IF the "player_wep" flag is set) This denotes where in the weapons cycle
// this player weapon occurs. 0-based. Must be less than 16.
// $Pref Position: (required IF AND ONLY IF the "player_wep" flag is set) This denotes the preference for this weapon (0
// is highest. 0-based. Must be less than 16.
// $Fine Aim Region Size:(required IF the "player_wep" flag is set, optional otherwise) Size, in percentage of the screen, of the "fine aiming" window
// $Fine Aim Region Size SS:(required IF the "player_wep" flag is set, optional otherwise) Size, in percentage of the screen, of the "fine aiming" window -- SPLITSCREEN
// $Weapon Type: (OPTIONAL)tells what category it should be placed in if it is a weapon used by player. Can be the following:
// $Weapon Icon: (OPTIONAL)used if weapon type is defined in weapon switching
// "close combat"
// "semi-auto"
// "heavy"
// "explosive"
// $Damage Type: what type of damage the weapon does. following are acceptable:
// "bash", // you use this to beat on other things
// "bullet", // standard round
// "armor piercing bullet" // high powered round
// "explosive" // boom
// "fire" // fire. good.
// "energy" // lasers and all dat
// "electrical" // from electrified materials
// "acid" // hydrochloric, not the drug
// "scalding" // steam, etc. damage
// $3rd Person V3D: (OPTIONAL) third person model for weapon
// $3rd Person Muzzle Flash Glare (OPTIONAL) muzzle flash glare name seen from third person
// $3rd Person Muzzle Flash Radius: (OPTIONAL) radius of third person muzzle flash bitmap
// $1st Person Mesh: (OPTIONAL) weapon model seen from first person
// $1st Person FOV: (OPTIONAL) FOV used when rendering the first person gun
// $1st Person offset: (OPTIONAL) used to tweak weapon position relative to eye pos
// $1st Person offset SS: (OPTIONAL) used to tweak weapon position relative to eye pos - SPLITSCREEN
// $1st person muzzle flash bitmap: (OPTIONAL) muzzle flash bitmap seen from first person
// $1st person muzzle flash radius: (OPTIONAL) radius of first person muzzle flash bitmap
// $1st Person Alt Muzzle Flash Bitmap: (OPTIONAL) muzzle flash bitmap of the alternate fire seen from first person
// $1st Person Alt Muzzle Flash Radius: (OPTIONAL) alternate fire radius of first person muzzle flash bitmap
// $Spark VFX: (OPTIONAL) the spark vfx for the riot stick
// +State: "idle"
// +State: "run"
// +State: "loop_fire"
// +Action: "fire" "Foley Sound"
// +Action: "alt_fire" "Foley Sound"
// +Action: "fire_fail" "Foley Sound"
// +Action: "idle_1" "Foley Sound"
// +Action: "idle_2" "Foley Sound"
// +Action: "idle_3" "Foley Sound"
// +Action: "reload" "Foley Sound"
// +Action: "draw" "Foley Sound"
// +Action: "holster" "Foley Sound"
// +Action: "jump" "Foley Sound"
// +Action: "custom_start" "Foley Sound"
// +Action: "custom_leave" "Foley Sound"
// $Bitmap Filename:
// $Head Radius:
// +Length: (OPTIONAL)
// +Tail Radius: (OPTIONAL)
// $HUD Icon Filename: (OPTIONAL) icon used on the HUD to represent weapon
// $HUD Reticle Filename: (OPTIONAL) reticle bitmap
// $HUD Zoomed Reticle Filename: (OPTIONAL) zoomed reticle bitmap
// $HUD Locked Reticle Filename: (OPTIONAL) reticle bitmap indicating weapon has "locked-on"
// $PS2 Selection Icon Filemame: (OPTIONAL) weapon icon bitmap for ps2 weapon select interface
// $Collision Radius: Radius of weapon (in meters) for collision detection purposes
// $Max Ammo:
// $Ammo Type:
// $AI attack range: The range that an AI will attempt to stay within when attacking
// $Clip Size: (OPTIONAL)
// $Clip Reload Time: (OPTIONAL)
// $Clip Drain Time: (OPTIONAL) For power weapons (i.e. riot stick)
// $Mass:
// $Velocity:
// $Velocity Multi: (OPTIONAL) Defaults to $Velocity
// $Fire Wait:
// $Alt Fire Wait: (OPTIONAL)
// $Num Projectiles: (OPTIONAL) Number of projectiles released when weapon fires (default is 1)
// $Spread Degrees: (OPTIONAL) default 0.0f degrees
// $Spread Degrees Multi: (OPTIONAL) default same as $Spread Degrees:
// $AI Spread Degrees: (OPTIONAL) single, multi (multi ignored). default 0.0f for both
// $Alt Spread Degrees: (OPTIONAL) default 0.0f degrees
// $Alt Spread Degrees Multi: (OPTIONAL) default same as $Alt Spread Degrees
// $AI Alt Spread Degrees: (OPTIONAL) single, multi (multi ignored). default 0.0f for both
// $Start Sound: (OPTIONAL) The sound of the (continuously-firing) weapon starting up
// $Start Delay: (OPTIONAL) The delay between when the entity wants to fire this weapon and when it starts firing
// $Stop Sound: (OPTIONAL) The sound of the (continuously-firing) weapon winding down
// $Burst Mode: (OPTIONAL)
// +Burst Count:
// +Burst Delay:
// +Burst Launch Sound:
// +Burst Alt Fire:
// $Damage: (REQUIRED) Single player damage
// $Damage Multi: (OPTIONAL) Multiplayer damage. Defaults to same as single player damage
// $Alt Damage: (OPTIONAL) Single player alt damage. Defaults to same as regular single player damage.
// $Alt Damage Multi: (OPTIONAL) Multi alt damage. Defaults to same as single player alt damage.
// $AI Damage Scale: (OPTIONAL) Factor that damage is scaled by if weapon is fired by AI
// $Lifetime:
// $Lifetime Multi: (OPTIONAL) Defaults to $Lifetime
// $Homing:
// +Turn Time: How quickly the weapon can turn; lower values turn quicker;
// keep this a positive number; values < 1 will create rediculously agile weapons
// +View Cone: FOV of the scanner of the weapon (in Degrees)
// +Scanning Range: How far ahead the weapon will scan when looking for a target
// +Wakeup Time: (OPTIONAL) Number of seconds before the weapon "wakes up" and begins tracking; 0 if not specified
// $Launch: Foley sound played when weapon is fired
// $Alt Launch: (OPTIONAL) Foley sound played when weapon is alternate fired
// $Launch Fail: (OPTIONAL) Foley sound played when weapon tries to fire but cannot (usually because out of ammo)
// $Fly Sound:
// $Zoom Sound: (OPTIONAL)
// $Impact Delay: (OPTIONAL) Delay in seconds before applying melee damage or creating a weapon
// $Alt Impact Delay: (OPTIONAL) Delay in seconds before applying melee damage or creating a weapon in alt fire mode
// $Impact Sound: "material" num_sounds
// sound sound sound (OPTIONAL)
// $Near Miss Sound: (OPTIONAL) Foley sound for near-misses from this weapon
// $Near Miss Underwater: (OPTIONAL) Foley sound for near-misses from this weapon, underwater
// $Geomod Sound: (OPTIONAL) Foley sound for weapon making a geomod
// $Impact Vclips:
// $Impact Vclips Radius:
// $Trail emitter: (OPTIONAL)
// $Damage Radius: (REQUIRED)
// $Damage Radius Multi: (OPTIONAL) Defaults to $Damage Radius: value
// +Crater Radius:
// $Sticky:
// +Stick Sound:
// +Embedded V3D Filename:
// $Glow Light cast by projectile
// +Inner Radius:
// +Outer Radius:
// +Color:
// $Muzzle Flash Light: (OPTIONAL) Light cast by muzzle flash
// +Inner Radius:
// +Outer Radius:
// +Color:
// $Scorch Bitmap: (OPTIONAL) scorch bitmap filename
// $Scorch Size: (OPTIONAL) scorch size, in meters (a vector)
// $Glass Decal Bitmap: (OPTIONAL) glass decal bitmap filename
// $Glass Decal Size: (OPTIONAL) glass decal size, in meters (a vector)
// $Shells Ejected: (OPTIONAL) the type of shells ejected and the manner in which they eject
// +V3D:
// +Base Dir:
// +Eject Velocity:
// +Custom Sound Set:
// $Clips Ejected: (OPTIONAL) the type of shells ejected and the manner in which they eject
// +V3D:
// +Drop Pause Time:
// +Custom Sound Set:
// $Camera Shake: (OPTIONAL) amount of camera shake for this weapon
// +Distance: Shake amount in meters
// +Time: Camera shake duration
// $Tracers (OPTIONAL) Whether the weapon fires tracers (default = false)
// +Tracer Frequency: How many standard rounds are fired in-between tracers
// (i.e. a value of 3 would mean a tracer is fired every 3 rounds)
// +Tracer Effect: Name of VFX/V3D to use for the tracer...
// $Piercing: (OPTIONAL) Whether the weapon can pierce walls (default = false)
// +Piercing Power: How much mass the weapon can pierce before being stopped;
// piercing an object subtracts an amount from this value, and when it reaches 0 the weapon can no longer pierce
// +Ricochet Angle: (OPTIONAL) Angle (in degrees) at which the bullet will no longer penetrate, but ricochet instead (default = always penetrate)
// +Ricochet Bitmap: (OPTIONAL) Bitmap to use for ricochet decal (default = use $Scorch Bitmap:)
// +Ricochet Size: (OPTIONAL) ricochet size, in meters (a vector)
// $Corona (Glare) 1: (OPTIONAL) glare name, specified in effects.tbl. N is the number of the prop point (ie it would be 1 for the corona_1 point)
// $Corona (Glare) N: you need to have as many of these as there are prop points
// $Reload Zero Drain: (OPTIONAL) If this is set, then "_" seconds into the weapon's reload, it's current ammo in the current clip goes to 0, forcing it to use a whole clip on the reload. (for riot stick and flamethrower initially)
// $Multi BBox Size Factor: (OPTIONAL) Defaults to 1.0. Larger numbers make it easier to hit ppl with in multi, lower numbers make it harder.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#Primary Weapons

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Remote Charge"
$Display Name: XSTR(296, "Remote Charge")
$V3D Filename: "rmt_explosive.v3d"
$Flags: ("remote_charge" "alt_fire" "player_wep" "gravity" "underwater" "silent")
$Flags2: ("no_fire_through" "damage_self")
$Cycle Position: 0
$Pref Position: 13
$Fine Aim Region Size: 0.65
$Fine Aim Region Size SS: 0.65
$Weapon Type: "explosive"
$Weapon Icon: "ws_remotecharge.tga"
$Damage Type: "explosive"
$3rd Person V3D: "weapon_remote_charge.v3d"
$1st Person Mesh: "fp_rmt_chrg.v3d"
$1st Person FOV: 70
$1st Person offset: <0.3,0.0,0.2>
$1st Person offset SS: <0.4,0.0,0.2>
+State: "idle" "fp_rmt_chrg_idle.mvf"
+State: "run" "fp_rmt_chrg_run.mvf"
+Action: "draw" "fp_rmt_chrg_draw.mvf" "Charge Draw"
+Action: "fire" "fp_rmt_chrg_throw.mvf" "Charge Throw"
+Action: "alt_fire" "fp_rmt_chrg_place.mvf" "Charge Throw"
+Action: "idle_1" "fp_rmt_chrg_idlerub.mvf" "Charge Idle Rub"
+Action: "idle_2" "fp_rmt_chrg_idletoss.mvf" "Charge Idle Tap"
+Action: "holster" "fp_rmt_chrg_holster.mvf" "Glock Holster"
+Action: "jump" "fp_rmt_chrg_jump.mvf" ""
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: "reticle.tga"
$PS2 Selection Icon Filemame: "ws_remcharge.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.051
$Max Ammo: 20 21
$Ammo Type: "remote charge"
$AI attack range: 10.0 10.0
$Mass: 0.2
$Velocity: 10
$Fire Wait: 0.75
$Damage: 500
$Damage Multi: 350
$Lifetime: 20.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Remote Charge Launch"
$Alt Launch: "Remote Charge Alt Launch"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Delay: 0.35
$Alt Impact Delay: 0.25
$Impact Sound: "default" "Remote Charge Hit Default"
$Geomod Sound: "Weapon Geomod Small"
$Impact Vclips: ("charge_explode")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (2.0)
$Damage Radius: 5.0
$Damage Radius Multi: 8.0
    +Crater Radius: 5.0
$Sticky: true
    +Stick Sound: "default" "attach_02.wav" 5 0.8
    +Embedded V3D Filename: ""
$Glow: false
$Scorch Bitmap: "missileblastmk01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <10.0, 10.0, 10.0>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Remote Charge Detonator"
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("detonator" "alt_fire" "underwater" "silent")
$Flags2: ("no_fire_through")
$Weapon Type: "explosive"
$Weapon Icon: ""
$Damage Type: "explosive"
$3rd Person V3D: "weapon_remote_detonate.v3d"
$1st Person Mesh: "fp_rmt_det.v3d"
$1st Person FOV: 70
$1st Person offset: <0.00,0.05,-0.2>
$1st Person offset SS: <0.10,0.05,-0.2>
+State: "idle" "fp_rmt_det_idle.mvf"
+State: "run" "fp_rmt_det_run.mvf"
+Action: "draw" "fp_rmt_det_draw.mvf" "detonator draw"
+Action: "fire" "fp_rmt_det_fire.mvf" "detonator fire"
+Action: "idle_1" "fp_rmt_det_idlestretch.mvf" "detonator idle stretch"
+Action: "idle_2" "fp_rmt_det_idlecheck.mvf" "detonator idle check"
+Action: "holster" "fp_rmt_det_holster.mvf" "glock holster"
+Action: "jump" "fp_rmt_det_jump.mvf" ""
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: ""
$Collision Radius: 0.051
$Max Ammo: 20 21
$Ammo Type: "remote charge"
$AI attack range: 50.0 50.0
$Mass: 0.2
$Velocity: 10
$Fire Wait: 0.75
$Damage: 200
$Damage Multi: 200
$Lifetime: 20.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: ""
$Launch Fail: ""
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Vclips: ("")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (2.0)
$Damage Radius: 5.0
    +Crater Radius: 5.0
$Sticky: true
$Glow: false
$Scorch Bitmap: "missileblastmk01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <10.0, 10.0, 10.0>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Riot Stick"
$Display Name: XSTR(299, "Control Baton")
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("melee" "alt_fire" "alt_continuous_fire" "underwater" "player_wep" "from_eye")
$Flags2: ("no_fire_through")
$Cycle Position: 1
$Pref Position: 12
$Fine Aim Region Size: 0.65
$Fine Aim Region Size SS: 0.65
$Weapon Type: "close combat"
$Weapon Icon: "ws_riotstick.tga"
$Damage Type: "bash"
$3rd Person V3D: "weapon_riotstick.v3d"
$1st Person Mesh: "fp_riot.vcm"
$1st Person FOV: 40
$1st Person offset: <-0.178,-0.418,0.072>
$1st Person offset SS: <-0.038,-0.418,0.072>
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Bitmap: "rstick_prepflare.vbm"
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Radius: 0.4
$1st Person Alt Muzzle Flash Bitmap: "rstick_prepflare.vbm"
$1st Person Alt Muzzle Flash Radius: 3.0
$Spark VFX: "rstick_bolt.vfx"
+State: "idle" "fp_riot_idle.mvf"
+State: "run" "fp_riot_run.mvf"
+State: "loop_fire" "fp_riot_attack_taserB.mvf"
+Action: "idle_1" "fp_riot_idle_hit.mvf" "Riot Idle Hit"
+Action: "idle_2" "fp_riot_idle_toss.mvf" "Riot Idle Toss"
+Action: "fire" "fp_riot_attack.mvf" "Riot Attack"
+Action: "reload" "fp_riot_reload.mvf" "Riot Reload"
+Action: "draw" "fp_riot_draw.mvf" "Riot Draw"
+Action: "holster" "fp_riot_holster.mvf" "Riot Holster"
+Action: "jump" "fp_riot_jump.mvf" ""
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: ""
$PS2 Selection Icon Filemame: "ws_rstick.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.25
$Max Ammo: 900 900
$Ammo Type: "power cell"
$AI attack range: 2.6 2.6
$Clip Size: 100 100
$Clip Reload Time: 2.7
$Clip Drain Time: 2.5
$Mass: 5.0
$Velocity: 1.5
$Fire Wait: 1.0
$Alt Fire Wait: 0.5
$Damage: 60.0
$Damage Multi: 60.0
$Alt Damage: 120.0
$Alt Damage Multi: 80.0
$AI Damage Scale: 0.1 0.1
$Lifetime: 1
$Homing: false
$Launch: ""
$Alt Launch: "Riot Attack Taser"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Delay: 0.15
$Impact Delay: 0.6
$Alt Impact Delay: 0.01
$Impact Sound: "default" "Riot Impact Default"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Riot Impact Flesh"
$Impact Sound: "metal" "Riot Impact Metal"
$Impact Sound: "rock" "Riot Impact Rock"
$Impact Sound: "water" "Small Water Splash"
$Impact Sound: "glass" "Gun Hit Glass"
$Impact Vclips: ("riotspark")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (0.3)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Scorch Bitmap: "scrape.tga"
$Scorch Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Glass Decal Bitmap: "bullethole02glass_A.tga"
$Glass Decal Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Reload Zero Drain: 1.3

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "12mm handgun"
$Display Name: XSTR(301, "12mm pistol")
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("alt_custom_mode" "player_wep" "from_eye" "underwater" "semi_automatic" "autoaim")
$Flags2: ("undeviating")
$Cycle Position: 2
$Pref Position: 11
$Fine Aim Region Size: 0.65
$Fine Aim Region Size SS: 0.65
$Weapon Type: "semi-auto"
$Weapon Icon: "ws_pistol.tga"
$Damage Type: "bullet"
$3rd Person V3D: "weapon_ultorgun.v3d"
$3rd Person Muzzle Flash Glare: "Glock Muzzle Flash"
$1st Person Mesh: "fp_glock.v3d"
$1st Person FOV: 65
$1st Person offset: <-0.110,-0.140,-0.342>
$1st Person offset SS: <-0.110,-0.140,-0.342>
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Bitmap: "muzzleflash01.tga"
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Radius: 0.3
$Silencer V3D: "silencer.v3d"
+State: "idle" "fp_glock_idle.mvf"
+State: "run" "fp_glock_run.mvf"
+Action: "fire" "fp_glock_fire.mvf" ""
+Action: "fire_fail" "fp_glock_fire_fail.mvf" ""
+Action: "idle_1" "fp_glock_flex.mvf" "Glock Flex"
+Action: "idle_2" "fp_glock_gunlook.mvf" "Glock Look"
+Action: "reload" "fp_glock_reload.mvf" "Glock Reload"
+Action: "draw" "fp_glock_draw.mvf" "Glock Draw"
+Action: "holster" "fp_glock_holster.mvf" "Glock Holster"
+Action: "jump" "fp_glock_jump.mvf" ""
+Action: "custom_start" "fp_glock_silencer_add.mvf" "Silencer On"
+Action: "custom_leave" "fp_glock_silencer_off.mvf" "Silencer Off"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: "reticle.tga"
$PS2 Selection Icon Filemame: "ws_pistol.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.02
$Max Ammo: 125 210
$Ammo Type: "12mm"
$AI attack range: 20.0 20.0
$Clip Size: 16 16
$Clip Reload Time: 1.1
$Mass: 0.2
$Velocity: 275.0
$Fire Wait: 0.50
$Alt Fire Wait: 0.20
$Spread Degrees: 0.5
$Spread Degrees Multi: 0.5
$AI Spread Degrees: 3.0 4.0
$Damage: 40
$Damage Multi: 25
$Lifetime: 20.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Glock Launch"
$Alt Launch: "Glock Switch"
$Silent Launch: "Silencer Launch"
$Underwater Launch: "Glock Alt Launch"
$Launch Fail: "Glock Fail"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Sound: "default" "Gun Hit Default"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Gun Hit Flesh"
$Impact Sound: "metal" "Gun Hit Metal"
$Impact Sound: "rock" "Gun Hit Rock"
$Impact Sound: "water" "Gun Hit Water"
$Impact Sound: "glass" "Gun Hit Glass"
$Impact Sound: "default underwater" "Gun Hit Default"
$Near Miss Sound: "Glock Ricochet"
$Near Miss Underwater: "Glock Alt Launch"
$Impact Vclips: ("FGatE")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (0.3 0.3)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Muzzle Flash Light: true
    +Inner Radius: 3.0
    +Outer Radius: 6.0
    +Color: {128,128,96}
$Scorch Bitmap: "bullethole01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <0.1, 0.1, 0.1>
$Glass Decal Bitmap: "bullethole02glass_A.tga"
$Glass Decal Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Shells Ejected:
    +V3D: "fp_glock_shell.v3d"
    +Base Dir: <0.5, 2.5, 1.0>
    +Eject Velocity: 4.0
    +Custom Sound Set: "9mm shell casings"
$Clips Ejected:
    +V3D: "powerup_GunClip.v3d"
    +Drop Pause Time: 0.75
    +Custom Sound Set: "clip eject"
$Reload Zero Drain: .45

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Undercover 12mm handgun"
$Display Name: XSTR(303, "Silenced 12mm Pistol")
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("alt_custom_mode" "from_eye" "underwater" "semi_automatic" "autoaim")
$Flags2: ("undeviating")
$Weapon Type: "semi-auto"
$Weapon Icon: "ws_pistol.tga"
$Damage Type: "bullet"
$3rd Person V3D: "weapon_ultorgun.v3d"
//$3rd Person V3D: "weapon_silenced.v3d"
$3rd Person Muzzle Flash Glare: ""
$1st Person Mesh: "fp_ugun.vcm"
$1st Person FOV: 65
$1st Person offset: <-0.110,-0.140,-0.342>
$1st Person offset SS: <-0.010,-0.140,-0.342>
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Bitmap: "muzzleflash01.tga"
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Radius: 0.3
$Silencer V3D: "silencer.v3d"
+State: "idle" "fp_glock_idle.mvf"
+State: "run" "fp_glock_run.mvf"
+Action: "fire" "fp_glock_fire.mvf" ""
+Action: "fire_fail" "fp_glock_fire_fail.mvf" ""
+Action: "idle_1" "fp_glock_flex.mvf" "Glock Flex"
+Action: "idle_2" "fp_glock_gunlook.mvf" ""
+Action: "reload" "fp_glock_reload.mvf" "Glock Reload"
+Action: "draw" "fp_glock_draw.mvf" "Glock Draw"
+Action: "holster" "fp_glock_holster.mvf" "Glock Holster"
+Action: "jump" "fp_glock_jump.mvf" ""
+Action: "custom_start" "fp_glock_silencer_add.mvf" "Silencer On"
+Action: "custom_leave" "fp_glock_silencer_off.mvf" "Silencer Off"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: "reticle.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.02
$Max Ammo: 125 210
$Ammo Type: "12mm"
$AI attack range: 20.0 20.0
$Clip Size: 16 16
$Clip Reload Time: 1.1
$Mass: 0.2
$Velocity: 275.0
$Fire Wait: 0.50
$Alt Fire Wait: 0.20
$Spread Degrees: 0.5
$Spread Degrees Multi: 0.5
$AI Spread Degrees: 3.0 3.0
$Damage: 20
$Damage Multi: 20
$Lifetime: 20.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Glock Launch"
$Alt Launch: "Glock Switch"
$Silent Launch: "Silencer Launch"
$Underwater Launch: "Glock Alt Launch"
$Launch Fail: "Glock Fail"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Sound: "default" "Gun Hit Default"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Gun Hit Flesh"
$Impact Sound: "metal" "Gun Hit Metal"
$Impact Sound: "rock" "Gun Hit Rock"
$Impact Sound: "water" "Gun Hit Water"
$Impact Sound: "glass" "Gun Hit Glass"
$Impact Sound: "default underwater" "Gun Hit Default"
$Near Miss Sound: "Glock Ricochet"
$Near Miss Underwater: "Glock Alt Launch"
$Impact Vclips: ("FGatE")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (0.3 0.3)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Muzzle Flash Light: true
    +Inner Radius: 3.0
    +Outer Radius: 6.0
    +Color: {128,128,96}
$Scorch Bitmap: "bullethole01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <0.1, 0.1, 0.1>
$Glass Decal Bitmap: "bullethole02glass_A.tga"
$Glass Decal Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Shells Ejected:
    +V3D: "fp_glock_shell.v3d"
    +Base Dir: <0.5, 2.5, 1.0>
    +Eject Velocity: 4.0
    +Custom Sound Set: "9mm shell casings"
$Clips Ejected:
    +V3D: "powerup_GunClip.v3d"
    +Drop Pause Time: 0.75
    +Custom Sound Set: "clip eject"
$Reload Zero Drain: .45

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Shotgun"
$Display Name: XSTR(305, "Automatic Shotgun")
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("alt_fire" "from_eye" "player_wep" "autoaim")
$Flags2: ("undeviating")
$Cycle Position: 3
$Pref Position: 5
$Fine Aim Region Size: 0.55
$Fine Aim Region Size SS: 0.55
$Weapon Type: "semi-auto"
$Weapon Icon: "ws_shotgun.tga"
$Damage Type: "bullet"
$3rd Person V3D: "weapon_shotgun.v3d"
$3rd Person Muzzle Flash Glare: "Shotgun Muzzle Flash"
$1st Person Mesh: "fp_shotgun.vcm"
$1st Person FOV: 55
$1st Person offset: <-0.020,0.056,1.071>
$1st Person offset SS: <0.080,0.056,1.071>
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Bitmap: "muzzleflash08.tga"
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Radius: .8
+State: "idle" "fp_shotgun_idle.mvf"
+State: "run" "fp_shotgun_run.mvf"
+Action: "idle_1" "fp_shotgun_idle_sweep.mvf" "Shotgun Idle Sweep"
+Action: "idle_2" "fp_shotgun_idle_stretch.mvf" "Shotgun Idle Stretch"
+Action: "fire" "fp_shotgun_fire_slow.mvf" "Shotgun Fire Slow"
+Action: "alt_fire" "fp_shotgun_fire_fast.mvf" ""
+Action: "reload" "fp_shotgun_reload.mvf" "Shotgun Reload Finish"
+Action: "draw" "fp_shotgun_draw.mvf" "Sniper Draw"
+Action: "holster" "fp_shotgun_holster.mvf" "Sniper Holster"
+Action: "jump" "fp_shotgun_jump.mvf" ""
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: "reticle.tga"
$PS2 Selection Icon Filemame: "ws_shotgun.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.02
$Max Ammo: 48 48
$Ammo Type: "10 gauge buckshot"
$AI attack range: 15.0 15.0
$Clip Size: 8 8
$Clip Reload Time: 2.0
$Mass: 0.2
$Velocity: 275.0
$Fire Wait: 1.50
$Alt Fire Wait: 0.225
$Num Projectiles: 4
$Spread Degrees: 3.0
$Spread Degrees Multi: 2.75
$AI Spread Degrees: 5.0 6.0
$Alt Spread Degrees: 6.0
$Alt Spread Degrees Multi: 4.0
$AI Alt Spread Degrees: 10.0 8.0
$Damage: 40
$Damage Multi: 35
$Lifetime: 0.5
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Shotgun Fire"
$Alt Launch: "Shotgun Fire 2"
$Launch Fail: "Glock Fail"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Sound: "default" "Gun Hit Default"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Gun Hit Flesh"
$Impact Sound: "metal" "Gun Hit Metal"
$Impact Sound: "rock" "Gun Hit Rock"
$Impact Sound: "water" "Medium Water Splash"
$Impact Sound: "glass" "Gun Hit Glass"
$Near Miss Sound: "Assault Ricochet"
$Near Miss Underwater: "Glock Alt Launch"
$Impact Vclips: ("FGatE" "gatsmoke")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (0.3 0.3)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Muzzle Flash Light: true
    +Inner Radius: 3.0
    +Outer Radius: 6.0
    +Color: {255,255,192}
$Scorch Bitmap: "buckshot_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <0.2, 0.2, 0.2>
$Glass Decal Bitmap: "bullethole02glass_A.tga"
$Glass Decal Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Shells Ejected:
    +V3D: "fp_shotgun_shell.v3d"
    +Base Dir: <0.5, 2.5, 1.0>
    +Eject Velocity: 4.0
    +Custom Sound Set: "9mm shell casings"
    +Primary Pause Time Before Eject: 0.8

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Sniper Rifle"
$Display Name: XSTR(307, "Sniper Rifle")
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("player_wep" "alt_zoom" "from_eye" "fixed_muz_flash")
$Flags2: ("undeviating")
$Cycle Position: 4
$Pref Position: 6
$Fine Aim Region Size: 0.65
$Fine Aim Region Size SS: 0.55
$Weapon Type: "semi-auto"
$Weapon Icon: "ws_sniper.tga"
$Damage Type: "armor piercing bullet"
$3rd Person V3D: "Weapon_SniperRifle.v3d"
$3rd Person Muzzle Flash Glare: "Sniper Muzzle Flash"
$1st Person Mesh: "fp_SniperRifle.v3d"
$1st Person FOV: 65
$1st Person offset: <-0.05,.07,-.22>
$1st Person offset SS: <0.05,.07,-.22>
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Bitmap: "muzzleflash02.tga"
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Radius: 1.4
+State: "idle" "fp_SniperRifle_idle.mvf"
+State: "run" "fp_SniperRifle_run.mvf"
+Action: "fire" "fp_SniperRifle_fire.mvf" ""
+Action: "idle_1" "fp_SniperRifle_scopeadjust.mvf" "Sniper Scope Adjust"
+Action: "idle_2" "fp_SniperRifle_scratch.mvf" "Sniper Scratch"
+Action: "reload" "fp_SniperRifle_reload.mvf" "Sniper Reload"
+Action: "draw" "fp_SniperRifle_draw.mvf" "Sniper Draw"
+Action: "holster" "fp_SniperRifle_holster.mvf" "Sniper Holster"
+Action: "jump" "fp_SniperRifle_jump.mvf" ""
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: "scope_ret.tga"
$HUD Zoomed Reticle Filename: "reticle.tga"
$PS2 Selection Icon Filemame: "ws_sniper.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.02
$Max Ammo: 36 36
$Ammo Type: ".50 cal AP"
$AI attack range: 100.0 100.0
$Clip Size: 6 6
$Clip Reload Time: 2.25
$Mass: 0.2
$Velocity: 275.0
$Fire Wait: 0.70
$Spread Degrees: 1.5
$Spread Degrees Multi: 0.25
$AI Spread Degrees: 2.0 2.0
$Damage: 250
$Damage Multi: 150
$AI Damage Scale: 0.5 1.0
$Lifetime: 2.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Sniper Launch"
$Alt Launch: "Sniper Alt Launch"
$Launch Fail: "Glock Fail"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Zoom Sound: "sniper_aim_01.wav" 4 0.8
$Impact Sound: "default" "Gun Hit Default"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Gun Hit Flesh"
$Impact Sound: "metal" "Gun Hit Metal"
$Impact Sound: "rock" "Gun Hit Rock"
$Impact Sound: "water" "Gun Hit Water"
$Impact Sound: "glass" "Gun Hit Glass"
$Near Miss Sound: "Glock Ricochet"
$Near Miss Underwater: "Glock Alt Launch"
$Impact Vclips: ("FGatE_bigspark" "gatsmoke")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (0.3 0.3)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Muzzle Flash Light: true
    +Inner Radius: 3.0
    +Outer Radius: 6.0
    +Color: {255,255,192}
$Scorch Bitmap: "bullethole01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <0.2, 0.2, 0.2>
$Glass Decal Bitmap: "bullethole02glass_A.tga"
$Glass Decal Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Shells Ejected:
&nnbsp;   +V3D: "fp_sniper_shell.v3d"
    +Base Dir: <0.5, 2.5, 1.0>
    +Eject Velocity: 4.0
    +Custom Sound Set: "9mm shell casings"
$Clips Ejected:
    +V3D: "powerup_SniperClip.v3d"
    +Drop Pause Time: 0.75
    +Custom Sound Set: "clip eject"
//$Camera Shake:
// +Distance: 0.0025
// +Time: 0.07
$Piercing: true
    +Piercing Power: 1.0
    +Ricochet Angle: 45.0
    +Ricochet Bitmap: "scrape.tga"
    +Ricochet Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Reload Zero Drain: .6

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Rocket Launcher"
$Display Name: XSTR(309, "Rocket Launcher")
$V3D Filename: "DrillMissile01.VFX"
$Flags: ("thruster" "player_wep" "infrared" "alt_fire" "alt_lock")
$Flags2: ("no_fire_through" "damage_self")
$Cycle Position: 5
$Pref Position: 1
$Fine Aim Region Size: 0.60
$Fine Aim Region Size SS: 0.40
$Weapon Type: "explosive"
$Weapon Icon: "ws_rocketlauncher.tga"
$Damage Type: "explosive"
$3rd Person V3D: "Weapon_RocketLauncher.v3d"
$1st Person Mesh: "fp_rocketlauncher.v3d"
$1st Person FOV: 70
$1st Person offset: <0.05, 0.03, -.08>
$1st Person offset SS: <0.15, 0.03, -.08>
+State: "idle" "fp_rocket_hold.mvf"
+State: "run" "fp_rocket_run.mvf"
+Action: "fire" "fp_rocket_fire.mvf" "Rocket Fire"
+Action: "reload" "fp_rocket_reload.mvf" "Rocket Reload"
+Action: "draw" "fp_rocket_draw.mvf" "Rocket Draw"
+Action: "holster" "fp_rocket_holster.mvf" "Rocket Holster"
+Action: "idle_1" "fp_rocket_screenwipe.mvf" "Rocket Screen Wipe"
+Action: "idle_2" "fp_rocket_ammocheck.mvf" "Rocket Ammo Check"
+Action: "jump" "fp_rocket_jump.mvf" ""
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: "reticle_rocket.tga"
$HUD Locked Reticle Filename: "reticle_rocketlock.tga"
$PS2 Selection Icon Filemame: "ws_rcklauncher.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.051
$Max Ammo: 18 18
$Ammo Type: "15cm rocket"
$AI attack range: 30.0 30.0
$Clip Size: 6 6
$Clip Reload Time: 1.7
$Mass: 200.0
$Velocity: 20.0
$Fire Wait: 1.25
$Spread Degrees: 0.0
$Spread Degrees Multi: 0.0
$AI Spread Degrees: 1.0 1.0
$Damage: 400
$Damage Multi: 275
$AI Damage Scale: 0.1 0.4
$Lifetime: 15.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Rocket Launcher"
$Alt Launch: "Rocket Launcher"
$Fly Sound: "missile_loop.wav" 6 0.9
$Impact Sound: "default" ""
$Geomod Sound: "Weapon Geomod Small"
$Impact Vclips: ("rocket_impact")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (1.5)
$Trail emitter: "missile"
$Damage Radius: 5.0
    +Crater Radius: 5.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: true
    +Inner Radius: 1.0
    +Outer Radius: 3.0
    +Color: {100,50,100}
$Muzzle Flash Light: true
    +Inner Radius: 4.0
    +Outer Radius: 7.0
    +Color: {255,255,255}
$Scorch Bitmap: "missileblastmk01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <4.0, 4.0, 4.0>
$Thrust Lifetime: 3.0
$Reload Zero Drain: .73

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Assault Rifle"
$Display Name: XSTR(311, "Assault Rifle")
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("alt_fire" "alt_continuous_fire" "player_wep" "from_eye" "fixed_muz_flash" "autoaim")
$Flags2: ("undeviating")
$Cycle Position: 6
$Pref Position: 7
$Fine Aim Region Size: 0.50
$Fine Aim Region Size SS: 0.50
$Weapon Type: "heavy"
$Weapon Icon: "ws_assault.tga"
$Damage Type: "armor piercing bullet"
$3rd Person V3D: "Weapon_Aslt_Rifle.V3D"
$3rd Person Muzzle Flash Glare: "Assault Muzzle Flash"
$1st Person Mesh: "fp_aslt_rfl.v3d"
$1st Person FOV: 65
$1st Person offset: <-0.064,0.1,-0.28>
$1st Person offset SS: <0.0,0.1,-0.25>
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Bitmap: "muzzleflash04.tga"
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Radius: 0.4
+State: "idle" "fp_aslt_rfl_idle.mvf"
+State: "run" "fp_aslt_rfl_run.mvf"
+State: "loop_fire" "fp_aslt_rfl_fire.mvf"
+Action: "fire" "fp_aslt_rfl_fire_burst.mvf" ""
//+Action: "idle_1" "fp_aslt_rfl_ammocheck.mvf" "ARifle Ammo Check"
+Action: "idle_3" "fp_aslt_rfl_gripopen.mvf" "ARifle Grip Open"
+Action: "idle_2" "fp_aslt_rfl_handstretch.mvf" "ARifle Hand Stretch"
+Action: "reload" "fp_aslt_rfl_reload.mvf" "ARifle Reload"
+Action: "draw" "fp_aslt_rfl_draw.mvf" "ARifle Draw"
+Action: "holster" "fp_aslt_rfl_holster.mvf" "ARifle Holster"
+Action: "jump" "fp_aslt_rfl_jump.mvf" ""
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: "reticle.tga"
$PS2 Selection Icon Filemame: "ws_aslrifle.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.02
$Max Ammo: 200 210
$Ammo Type: "5.65mm AP"
$AI attack range: 30.0 30.0
$Clip Size: 42 42
$Clip Reload Time: 1.35
$Mass: 0.2
$Velocity: 275.0
$Fire Wait: 0.75
$Alt Fire Wait: 0.1
$Spread Degrees: 0.8
$Spread Degrees Multi: .25
$AI Spread Degrees: 2.0 2.0
$Alt Spread Degrees: 4.0
$Alt Spread Degrees Multi: .75
$AI Alt Spread Degrees: 5.0 5.0
$Start Sound: "Assault Attack"
$Start Delay: 0.10
$Stop Sound: "Assault Decay"
$Burst Mode: true
    +Burst Count: 3
    +Burst Delay: 0.1
    +Burst Launch Sound: "assault_burst.wav" 8 0.9
    +Burst Alt Fire: false
$Damage: 60
$Damage Multi: 40
$AI Damage Scale: 0.4 0.4
$Lifetime: 2.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Assault Loop"
$Alt Launch: "Assault Loop"
$Launch Fail: "Glock Fail"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Sound: "default" "Gun Hit Default"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Gun Hit Flesh"
$Impact Sound: "metal" "Gun Hit Metal"
$Impact Sound: "rock" "Gun Hit Rock"
$Impact Sound: "water" "Gun Hit Water"
$Near Miss Sound: "Assault Ricochet"
$Near Miss Underwater: "Glock Alt Launch"
$Impact Vclips: ("FGatE")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (0.3 0.3)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Muzzle Flash Light: true
    +Inner Radius: 3.0
    +Outer Radius: 6.0
    +Color: {128,128,96}
$Scorch Bitmap: "bullethole01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <0.15, 0.15, 0.15>
$Glass Decal Bitmap: "bullethole02glass_A.tga"
$Glass Decal Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Shells Ejected:
    +V3D: "fp_aslt_rfl_shell.v3d"
    +Base Dir: <1.5, 2.5, 1.0>
    +Eject Velocity: 4.0
    +Custom Sound Set: "9mm shell casings"
$Clips Ejected:
    +V3D: "powerup_assaultClip.v3d"
    +Drop Pause Time: 0.75
    +Custom Sound Set: "clip eject"
$Camera Shake:
    +Distance: 0.0005
    +Time: 0.04
$Tracers: true
    +Tracer Frequency: 4
    +Tracer Effect: "Tracer01.VFX"
$Piercing: true
    +Piercing Power: 0.25
    +Ricochet Angle: 45.0
    +Ricochet Bitmap: "Scrape.tga"
    +Ricochet Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Reload Zero Drain: .65

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Machine Pistol"
$Display Name: XSTR(313, "Submachine Gun")
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("alt_custom_mode" "alt_fire" "continuous_fire" "from_eye" "player_wep" "autoaim")
$Flags2: ("undeviating")
$Cycle Position: 7
$Pref Position: 9
$Fine Aim Region Size: 0.65
$Fine Aim Region Size SS: 0.55
$Weapon Type: "heavy"
$Weapon Icon: "ws_machpistol.tga"
$Damage Type: "bullet"
$3rd Person V3D: "weapon_machinep.v3d"
$3rd Person Muzzle Flash Glare: "MachinePistol01 Muzzle Flash"
$1st Person Mesh: "fp_mp.vcm"
$1st Person FOV: 40
$1st Person offset: <-0.294,0.08, 0.056>
$1st Person offset SS: <-0.194,0.08, 0.056>
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Bitmap: "muzzleflash05.tga"
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Radius: 0.3
+State: "idle" "fp_mp_idle.mvf"
+State: "run" "fp_mp_run.mvf"
+State: "loop_fire" "fp_mp_fireslow.mvf"
+Action: "idle_1" "fp_mp_idletop_flex.mvf" "Machine Pistol Idletop Flex"
+Action: "idle_2" "fp_mp_idletop_hit.mvf" "Machine Pistol Idletop Hit"
+Action: "reload" "fp_mp_reloadtop.mvf" "Machine Pistol Reload Top"
+Action: "draw" "fp_mp_draw.mvf" "Sniper Draw"
+Action: "holster" "fp_mp_holster.mvf" "Sniper Holster"
+Action: "jump" "fp_mp_jump.mvf" ""
+Action: "custom_start" "fp_mp_switchback.mvf" "Machine Pistol Switch Back"
+Action: "custom_leave" "fp_mp_switchback.mvf" "Machine Pistol Switch Back"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: "reticle.tga"
$PS2 Selection Icon Filemame: "ws_machpistol.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.02
$Max Ammo: 200 192
$Ammo Type: "12mm"
$AI attack range: 30.0 30.0
$Clip Size: 30 64
$Clip Reload Time: 1.2
$Mass: 0.2
$Velocity: 320.0
$Fire Wait: 0.09
$Spread Degrees: 2.0
$Spread Degrees Multi: 1.0
$AI Spread Degrees: 3.0 3.0
$Damage: 40
$Damage Multi: 30
$AI Damage Scale: 0.7 0.7
$Lifetime: 1.5
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Machine Pistol Launch"
$Launch Fail: "Glock Fail"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Sound: "default" "Gun Hit Default"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Gun Hit Flesh"
$Impact Sound: "metal" "Gun Hit Metal"
$Impact Sound: "rock" "Gun Hit Rock"
$Impact Sound: "water" "Gun Hit Water"
$Impact Sound: "glass" "Gun Hit Glass"
$Near Miss Sound: "Assault Ricochet"
$Near Miss Underwater: "Glock Alt Launch"
$Impact Vclips: ("FGatE_lilspark")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (0.3 0.3)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Muzzle Flash Light: true
    +Inner Radius: 3.0
    +Outer Radius: 6.0
    +Color: {255,255,192}
$Scorch Bitmap: "bullethole01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <0.1, 0.1, 0.1>
$Glass Decal Bitmap: "bullethole02glass_A.tga"
$Glass Decal Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Shells Ejected:
    +V3D: "fp_glock_shell.v3d"
    +Base Dir: <-2, 1, 0>
    +Eject Velocity: 4.0
    +Custom Sound Set: "9mm shell casings"
$Clips Ejected:
    +V3D: "powerup_GunClip.v3d"
    +Drop Pause Time: 0.75
    +Custom Sound Set: "clip eject"
$Camera Shake:
    +Distance: 0.0003
    +Time: 0.04
$Reload Zero Drain: .48

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Machine Pistol Special"
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("alt_custom_mode" "alt_fire" "continuous_fire" "from_eye" "fixed_muz_flash" "autoaim")
$Flags2: ("undeviating")
$Fine Aim Region Size: 0.65
$Fine Aim Region Size SS: 0.55
$Weapon Type: "heavy"
$Weapon Icon: "ws_machpistol.tga"
$Damage Type: "bullet"
$3rd Person V3D: "weapon_machinep.v3d"
$3rd Person Muzzle Flash Glare: "MachinePistol02 Muzzle Flash"
$1st Person Mesh: "fp_mp.vcm"
$1st Person FOV: 40
$1st Person offset: <-0.294,0.08, 0.056>
$1st Person offset SS: <-0.194,0.08, 0.056>
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Bitmap: "muzzleflash06.tga"
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Radius: 0.3
+State: "idle" "fp_mp_idle.mvf"
+State: "run" "fp_mp_run.mvf"
+State: "loop_fire" "fp_mp_fireslowbottom.mvf"
+Action: "idle_1" "fp_mp_idletop_flexbottom.mvf" "Glock Flex"
+Action: "idle_2" "fp_mp_idletop_hitbottom.mvf" "Machine Pistol Idletop Hit"
+Action: "reload" "fp_mp_reloadbottom.mvf" "Machine Pistol Reload Bottom"
+Action: "draw" "fp_mp_draw.mvf" "Sniper Draw"
+Action: "holster" "fp_mp_holster.mvf" "Sniper Holster"
+Action: "jump" "fp_mp_jump.mvf" ""
+Action: "custom_start" "fp_mp_switch.mvf" "Machine Pistol Switch"
+Action: "custom_leave" "fp_mp_switch.mvf" "Machine Pistol Switch"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: "reticle.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.02
$Max Ammo: 200 210
$Ammo Type: "5.65mm AP"
$AI attack range: 30.0 30.0
$Clip Size: 20 21
$Clip Reload Time: 1.5
$Mass: 0.2
$Velocity: 275.0
$Fire Wait: 0.12
$Spread Degrees: 2.0
$Spread Degrees Multi: 3.0
$AI Spread Degrees: 5.0 5.0
$Damage: 45
$Damage Multi: 50
$Lifetime: 2.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Machine Pistol Alt Launch"
$Launch Fail: "Glock Fail"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Sound: "default" "Gun Hit Default"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Gun Hit Flesh"
$Impact Sound: "metal" "Gun Hit Metal"
$Impact Sound: "rock" "Gun Hit Rock"
$Impact Sound: "water" "Gun Hit Water"
$Impact Sound: "glass" "Gun Hit Glass"
$Near Miss Sound: "Assault Ricochet"
$Near Miss Underwater: "Glock Alt Launch"
$Impact Vclips: ("FGatE_lilspark" "gatsmoke")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (0.3 0.3)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Muzzle Flash Light: true
    +Inner Radius: 3.0
    +Outer Radius: 6.0
    +Color: {255,255,192}
$Scorch Bitmap: "bullethole01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <0.15, 0.15, 0.15>
$Glass Decal Bitmap: "bullethole02glass_A.tga"
$Glass Decal Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Shells Ejected:
    +V3D: "fp_aslt_rfl_shell.v3d"
    +Base Dir: <-2, 1, 0>
    +Eject Velocity: 4.0
    +Custom Sound Set: "9mm shell casings"
$Clips Ejected:
    +V3D: "powerup_assaultClip.v3d"
    +Drop Pause Time: 0.75
    +Custom Sound Set: "clip eject"
$Camera Shake:
    +Distance: 0.0003
    +Time: 1.0
$Tracers: true
    +Tracer Frequency: 4
    +Tracer Effect: "Tracer01.VFX"
$Piercing: true
    +Piercing Power: 0.25
    +Ricochet Angle: 45.0
    +Ricochet Bitmap: "Scrape.tga"
    +Ricochet Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Reload Zero Drain: .48

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Grenade"
$Display Name: XSTR(315, "Grenade")
$V3D Filename: "weapon_grenade.v3d"
$Flags: ("from_eye" "player_wep" "gravity" "underwater" "silent" "alt_fire")
$Flags2: ("no_fire_through" "damage_self")
$Cycle Position: 8
$Pref Position: 10
$Fine Aim Region Size: 0.65
$Fine Aim Region Size SS: 0.65
$Weapon Type: "explosive"
$Weapon Icon: "ws_grenade.tga"
$Damage Type: "explosive"
$3rd Person V3D: "weapon_grenade.v3d"
$1st Person Mesh: "fp_gren.v3d"
$1st Person FOV: 70
$1st Person offset: <-0.202,-0.336,0.206>
$1st Person offset SS: <-0.102,-0.336,0.206>
+State: "idle" "fp_gren_idle.mvf"
+State: "run" "fp_gren_run.mvf"
+Action: "draw" "fp_gren_draw.mvf" "charge draw"
+Action: "fire" "fp_gren_throw.mvf" "grenade pinpull toss"
+Action: "alt_fire" "fp_gren_twistthrow.mvf" "grenade twist throw"
+Action: "idle_1" "fp_gren_idlecheck.mvf" "grenade idle check"
+Action: "idle_2" "fp_gren_spin.mvf" "grenade spin"
+Action: "holster" "fp_gren_holster.mvf" "glock holster"
+Action: "jump" "fp_gren_jump.mvf" ""
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: ""
$PS2 Selection Icon Filemame: "ws_grenade.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.15
$Max Ammo: 8 9
$Ammo Type: "grenade"
$AI attack range: 30.0 30.0
$Mass: 1.5
$Velocity: 10.0
$Velocity Multi: 12.5
$Fire Wait: 3.0
$Damage: 150
$Damage Multi: 250
$Lifetime: 5.0
$Lifetime Multi: 3.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: ""
$Alt Launch: ""
$Fly Sound: "Grenade_tick.wav" 6 0.9
$Impact Delay: 1.7
$Alt Impact Delay: 1.6
$Impact Sound: "default" "Grenade Bounce"
$Geomod Sound: "Weapon Geomod Small"
$Impact Vclips: ("rocket_impact")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (1.5)
$Trail emitter: ""
$Damage Radius: 8.0
$Damage Radius Multi: 12.0
    +Crater Radius: 5.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: true
    +Inner Radius: 0.4
    +Outer Radius: 1.5
    +Color: {255,0,0}
$Scorch Bitmap: "missileblastmk01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <4.0, 4.0, 4.0>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Flamethrower"
$Display Name: XSTR(318, "Flamethrower")
$V3D Filename: "powerup_flamecan.V3D"
$Flags: ("continuous_fire" "player_wep" "alt_fire" "gravity")
$Flags2: ("no_fire_through" "flame" "damage_self" "has_pilot_flame")
$Cycle Position: 9
$Pref Position: 8
$Fine Aim Region Size: 0.54
$Fine Aim Region Size SS: 0.60
$Weapon Type: "close combat"
$Weapon Icon: "ws_flamethrow.tga"
$Damage Type: "fire"
$3rd Person V3D: "weapon_fthrower.v3d"
$3rd Person Muzzle Flash Glare: ""
$1st Person Mesh: "fp_flame.vcm"
$1st Person FOV: 65
$1st Person offset: <0.144,-1.476,0.220>
$1st Person offset SS: <0.244,-1.476,0.220>
+State: "idle" "fp_flame_idle.mvf"
+State: "run" "fp_flame_run.mvf"
+State: "loop_fire" "fp_flame_fire.mvf"
+Action: "alt_fire" "fp_flame_altfire.mvf" "Flame Alt Fire"
+Action: "idle_1" "fp_flame_idletap.mvf" "Flame Idle Tap"
+Action: "idle_2" "fp_flame_idlecheck.mvf" "Flame Idle Check"
+Action: "reload" "fp_flame_reload.mvf" "Flame Reload"
+Action: "draw" "fp_flame_draw.mvf" "Sniper Draw"
+Action: "holster" "fp_flame_holster.mvf" "Sniper Holster"
+Action: "jump" "fp_flame_jump.mvf" ""
+Action: "custom_start" "fp_flame_switch.mvf" "Flame Switch"
+Action: "custom_leave" "fp_flame_switch.mvf" "Flame Switch"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: "reticle.tga"
$PS2 Selection Icon Filemame: "ws_flamethrow.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.051
$Max Ammo: 1000 1000
$Ammo Type: "gas"
$AI attack range: 5.0 5.0
$Clip Size: 100 200
$Clip Reload Time: 2.6
$Clip Drain Time: 2.0
$Mass: 0.2
$Velocity: 10.0
$Fire Wait: 0.10
$Alt Fire Wait: 4.0
$Start Sound: "Flame Thrower Ignite 1"
$Start Delay: 0.10
$Stop Sound: "Flame Thrower Ignite 3"
$Damage: 20
// Damage Multi is set on lines 548 and 576 in emitters.tbl
$Damage Multi: 60
$Alt Damage: 100
$Alt Damage Multi: 150
$Lifetime: 10.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Flame Thrower Ignite 2"
$Launch Fail: ""
$Fly Sound: ""
$Alt Impact Delay: 1.8
$Near Miss Sound: ""
$Near Miss Underwater: ""
$Impact Vclips: ("flame_can_explode")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (8.0)
$Damage Radius: 7.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Scorch Bitmap: "missileblastmk01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <2.0, 2.0, 2.0>
$Reload Zero Drain: 1.2

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "riot shield"
$Display Name: XSTR(320, "Riot Shield")
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("player_wep" "melee" "from_eye" "ps2_fp_full_clip")
$Flags2: ("no_fire_through")
$Cycle Position: 10
$Pref Position: 14
$Fine Aim Region Size: 0.65
$Fine Aim Region Size SS: 0.65
$Weapon Type: "close combat"
$Weapon Icon: "ws_riotshield.tga"
$Damage Type: "bash"
$3rd Person V3D: "weapon_riotshield.v3d"
$3rd Person Muzzle Flash Glare: ""
$1st Person Mesh: "fp_riotshield.vcm"
$1st Person FOV: 65
$1st Person offset: <0.066,-.242,0.154>
$1st Person offset SS: <0.166,-.242,0.154>
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Bitmap: "muzzleflash05.tga"
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Radius: 0.3
+State: "idle" "fp_riotshield_idle.mvf"
+State: "run" "fp_riotshield_run.mvf"
+Action: "fire" "fp_riotshield_attack.mvf" "Riot Shield Attack"
+Action: "alt_fire" "fp_riotshield_altfire.mvf" ""
+Action: "idle_1" "fp_riotshield_idleflex.mvf" "Riot Shield Idle Flex"
+Action: "idle_2" "fp_riotshield_idlelow.mvf" "Riot Shield Idle Low"
+Action: "jump" "fp_riotshield_jump.mvf" ""
+Action: "draw" "fp_riotshield_draw.mvf" "Sniper Draw"
+Action: "holster" "fp_riotshield_holster.mvf" "Sniper Holster"
+Action: "custom_start" "fp_riotshield_block.mvf" "Riot Shield Impact"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: ""
$PS2 Selection Icon Filemame: "ws_riotshield.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.25
$Max Ammo: 0 0
$Ammo Type: ""
$AI attack range: 2.0 2.0
$Clip Size: 32 32
$Clip Reload Time: 1.5
$Mass: 5.0
$Velocity: 1.5
$Fire Wait: 0.5
$Damage: 10
$Damage Multi: 60
$Lifetime: 1
$Homing: false
$Launch: ""
$Launch Fail: ""
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Delay: 0.2
$Impact Sound: "default" "Riot Shield Impact"
$Near Miss Sound: ""
$Impact Vclips: ()
$Impact Vclips Radius: ()
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "rail_gun"
$Display Name: XSTR(322, "Rail Driver")
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("alt_fire" "player_wep" "from_eye")
$Flags2: ("pierces_all" "undeviating" "has_scanner")
$Cycle Position: 11
$Pref Position: 3
$Fine Aim Region Size: 0.65
$Fine Aim Region Size SS: 0.65
$Weapon Type: "heavy"
$Weapon Icon: "ws_railgun.tga"
$Damage Type: "armor piercing bullet"
$3rd Person V3D: "weapon_railrifle.v3d"
$1st Person Mesh: "fp_railgun.vcm"
$1st Person FOV: 70
$1st Person offset: <1.43,.096,0.277>
$1st Person offset SS: <1.53,.096,0.277>
+State: "idle" "fp_railgun_idle.mvf"
+State: "run" "fp_railgun_run.mvf"
+Action: "fire" "fp_railgun_fire.mvf" ""
+Action: "reload" "fp_railgun_reload.mvf" "Rail Reload"
+Action: "idle_1" "fp_railgun_idlecheck.mvf" "Rail Idle Check"
+Action: "idle_2" "fp_railgun_idleturn.mvf" "Rail Idle Turn"
+Action: "draw" "fp_railgun_draw.mvf" "Sniper Draw"
+Action: "holster" "fp_railgun_holster.mvf" "Sniper Holster"
+Action: "jump" "fp_railgun_jump.mvf" ""
$Bitmap Filename: "railrifle1TrailAlpha.tga"
$Head Radius: 0.051
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: "reticle.tga"
$PS2 Selection Icon Filemame: "ws_railgun.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.02
$Max Ammo: 10 6
$Ammo Type: "aluminum slug"
$AI attack range: 50.0 50.0
$Clip Size: 1 1
$Clip Reload Time: 3.0
$Mass: 0.2
$Velocity: 600.0
$Fire Wait: 1.00
$Alt Fire Wait: 0.30
$Damage: 2550
$Damage Multi: 587
$AI Damage Scale: 0.7 0.7
$Lifetime: 0.5
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Rail Fire 1"
$Alt Launch: "Camera Change"
$Launch Fail: "Rail Fail"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Sound: "default" "Gun Hit Default"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Gun Hit Flesh"
$Impact Sound: "metal" "Gun Hit Metal"
$Impact Sound: "rock" "Gun Hit Rock"
$Impact Sound: "water" "Medium Water Splash"
$Impact Sound: "glass" "Gun Hit Glass"
$Near Miss Sound: "Rail Flyby"
$Near Miss Underwater: "Glock Alt Launch"
$Impact Vclips: ("rail_rifle_hit")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (1.0)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Muzzle Flash Light: true
    +Inner Radius: 3.0
    +Outer Radius: 6.0
    +Color: {192,192,255}
$Scorch Bitmap: "bullethole01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <0.4, 0.4, 0.4>
$Piercing: true
    +Piercing Power: 100.0
    +Ricochet Angle: 180.0
    +Ricochet Size: <0.5, 0.5, 0.5>
$Multi BBox Size Factor: 0.75

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "heavy_machine_gun"
$Display Name: XSTR(324, "Heavy Machine Gun")
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("alt_fire" "player_wep" "continuous_fire" "alt_continuous_fire" "from_eye")
$Flags2: ("undeviating")
$Cycle Position: 12
$Pref Position: 2
$Fine Aim Region Size: 0.65
$Fine Aim Region Size SS: 0.65
$Weapon Type: "heavy"
$Weapon Icon: "ws_machinegun.tga"
$Damage Type: "armor piercing bullet"
$3rd Person V3D: "weapon_heavymgun.v3d"
$3rd Person Muzzle Flash Glare: "HeavyMachineGun Muzzle Flash"
$1st Person Mesh: "fp_hmac.vcm"
$1st Person FOV: 65
$1st Person offset: <0.168,0.000,0.085>
$1st Person offset SS: <0.268,0.000,0.085>
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Bitmap: "muzzleflash07.tga"
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Radius: .6
+State: "idle" "fp_hmac_idle.mvf"
+State: "run" "fp_hmac_run.mvf"
+State: "loop_fire" "fp_hmac_fire.mvf"
+Action: "idle_2" "fp_hmac_idlesweep.mvf" "HMG Idle Sweep"
+Action: "idle_1" "fp_hmac_idlecheck.mvf" "HMG Idle Check"
+Action: "reload" "fp_hmac_reload.mvf" "HMG Reload"
+Action: "draw" "fp_hmac_draw.mvf" "Sniper Draw"
+Action: "holster" "fp_hmac_holster.mvf" "Sniper Holster"
+Action: "jump" "fp_hmac_jump.mvf" ""
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: "reticle.tga"
$PS2 Selection Icon Filemame: "ws_heavymacgun.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.02
$Max Ammo: 240 297
$Ammo Type: "7.62mm AP"
$AI attack range: 30.0 30.0
$Clip Size: 99 99
$Clip Reload Time: 3.85
$Mass: 0.2
$Velocity: 275.0
$Fire Wait: 0.10
$Alt Fire Wait: 0.2
$Spread Degrees: 2.0
$Spread Degrees Multi: 1.25
$AI Spread Degrees: 1.0 5.0
$Alt Spread Degrees: 1.0
$Alt Spread Degrees Multi: 0.25
$Start Sound: "SAssault Attack"
$Start Delay: 0.1
$Stop Sound: "SAssault Decay"
$Damage: 75
$Damage Multi: 45
$AI Damage Scale: 0.7 0.5
$Lifetime: 2.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: "HMG Launch 1"
$Alt Launch: "HMG Launch 2"
$Launch Fail: "Glock Fail"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Sound: "default" "Gun Hit Default"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Gun Hit Flesh"
$Impact Sound: "metal" "Gun Hit Metal"
$Impact Sound: "rock" "Gun Hit Rock"
$Impact Sound: "water" "Medium Water Splash"
$Impact Sound: "glass" "Gun Hit Glass"
$Near Miss Sound: "Assault Ricochet"
$Near Miss Underwater: "Glock Alt Launch"
$Impact Vclips: ("FGatE_bigspark" "gatsmoke")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (0.3 0.3)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Muzzle Flash Light: true
    +Inner Radius: 1.5
    +Outer Radius: 3.0
    +Color: {255,255,192}
$Scorch Bitmap: "bullethole01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <0.2, 0.2, 0.2>
$Glass Decal Bitmap: "bullethole02glass_A.tga"
$Glass Decal Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Shells Ejected:
    +V3D: "fp_aslt_rfl_shell.v3d"
    +Base Dir: <0.5, 2.5, 1.0>
    +Eject Velocity: 4.0
    +Custom Sound Set: "9mm shell casings"
$Piercing: true
    +Piercing Power: 0.25
    +Ricochet Angle: 45.0
    +Ricochet Bitmap: "Scrape.tga"
    +Ricochet Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Reload Zero Drain: 1.45

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "scope_assault_rifle"
$Display Name: XSTR(326, "Precision Rifle")
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("player_wep" "alt_zoom" "from_eye" "fixed_muz_flash" "autoaim" "semi_automatic")
$Flags2: ("undeviating")
$Cycle Position: 13
$Pref Position: 4
$Fine Aim Region Size: 0.57
$Fine Aim Region Size SS: 0.65
$Weapon Type: "semi-auto"
$Weapon Icon: "ws_precision.tga"
$Damage Type: "armor piercing bullet"
$3rd Person V3D: "Weapon_Aslt_Rifle2.V3D"
$3rd Person Muzzle Flash Glare: "AssaultScope Muzzle Flash"
$1st Person Mesh: "fp_ass2.vcm"
$1st Person FOV: 85
$1st Person offset: <-0.130,-0.080,-0.150>
$1st Person offset SS: <-0.030,-0.080,-0.150>
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Bitmap: "muzzleflash04.tga"
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Radius: 0.8
+State: "idle" "fp_ass2_idle.mvf"
+State: "run" "fp_ass2_run.mvf"
+Action: "fire" "fp_ass2_fire.mvf" ""
+Action: "idle_1" "fp_ass2_idleturn.mvf" "SAssault Idle Turn"
+Action: "idle_2" "fp_ass2_idlescope.mvf" "SAssault Idle Scope"
+Action: "reload" "fp_ass2_reload.mvf" "SAssault Reload"
+Action: "draw" "fp_ass2_draw.mvf" "ARifle Draw"
+Action: "holster" "fp_ass2_holster.mvf" "ARifle Holster"
+Action: "jump" "fp_ass2_jump.mvf" ""
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: "reticle.tga"
$PS2 Selection Icon Filemame: "ws_scoperifle.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.02
$Max Ammo: 80 80
$Ammo Type: "explosive AP"
$AI attack range: 30.0 30.0
$Clip Size: 20 20
$Clip Reload Time: 1.2
$Mass: 0.2
$Velocity: 275.0
$Fire Wait: 0.5
$Spread Degrees: 0.75
$Spread Degrees Multi: 0.25
$AI Spread Degrees: 0.5 0.5
$Start Sound: "SAssault Attack"
$Start Delay: 0.1
$Stop Sound: "SAssault Decay"
$Damage: 125
$Damage Multi: 60
$AI Damage Scale: 0.5 0.8
$Lifetime: 2.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Sniper 2 Launch"
$Alt Launch: ""
$Launch Fail: "Glock Fail"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Zoom Sound: "sniper_aim_01.wav" 4 0.8
$Impact Sound: "default" "Gun Hit Default"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Gun Hit Flesh"
$Impact Sound: "metal" "Gun Hit Metal"
$Impact Sound: "rock" "Gun Hit Rock"
$Impact Sound: "water" "Gun Hit Water"
$Near Miss Sound: "Assault Ricochet"
$Near Miss Underwater: "Glock Alt Launch"
$Impact Vclips: ("FGatE_bigspark" "gatsmoke")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (0.25 0.25)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Muzzle Flash Light: true
    +Inner Radius: 3.0
    +Outer Radius: 6.0
    +Color: {255,255,192}
$Scorch Bitmap: "bullethole01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <0.15, 0.15, 0.15>
$Glass Decal Bitmap: "bullethole02glass_A.tga"
$Glass Decal Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Shells Ejected:
    +V3D: "fp_aslt_rfl_shell.v3d"
    +Base Dir: <-2, 1, 0>
    +Eject Velocity: 4.0
    +Custom Sound Set: "9mm shell casings"
$Clips Ejected:
    +V3D: "powerup_assaultClip.v3d"
    +Drop Pause Time: 0.75
    +Custom Sound Set: "clip eject"
//$Camera Shake:
// +Distance: 0.0005
// +Time: 0.04
$Tracers: true
    +Tracer Frequency: 4
    +Tracer Effect: "Tracer01.VFX"
$Piercing: true
    +Piercing Power: 0.25
    +Ricochet Angle: 45.0
    +Ricochet Bitmap: "Scrape.tga"
    +Ricochet Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Reload Zero Drain: .5

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "shoulder_cannon"
$Display Name: XSTR(328, "Fusion Rocket Launcher")
$V3D Filename: "ShellTest.vfx"
$Flags: ("player_wep" "infrared" "ps2_fp_full_clip")
$Flags2: ("no_fire_through" "damage_self")
$Cycle Position: 14
$Pref Position: 0
$Fine Aim Region Size: 0.65
$Fine Aim Region Size SS: 0.65
$Weapon Type: "explosive"
$Weapon Icon: "ws_fusion.tga"
$Damage Type: "explosive"
$3rd Person V3D: "Weapon_shoulder.v3d"
$1st Person Mesh: "fp_shol.vcm"
$1st Person FOV: 68
$1st Person offset: <0.448,0.050,-0.064>
$1st Person offset SS: <0.548,0.050,-0.064>
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Bitmap: "explosionflare01.tga"
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Radius: 4.0
+State: "idle" "fp_shol_idle.mvf"
+State: "run" "fp_shol_run.mvf"
+Action: "reload" "fp_shol_reload.mvf" "Shoulder Reload"
+Action: "fire" "fp_shol_fire.mvf" "Shoulder Fire"
+Action: "draw" "fp_shol_draw.mvf" "Rocket Draw"
+Action: "holster" "fp_shol_holster.mvf" "Rocket Holster"
+Action: "idle_1" "fp_shol_idlemonitor.mvf" "Shoulder Idle Monitor"
+Action: "idle_2" "fp_shol_idlewipe.mvf" "Shoulder Idle Wipe"
+Action: "jump" "fp_shol_jump.mvf" ""
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: "reticle_rocket.tga"
$HUD Locked Reticle Filename: "reticle_rocketlock.tga"
$PS2 Selection Icon Filemame: "ws_bigboy.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.051
$Max Ammo: 5 1
$Ammo Type: "shell"
$AI attack range: 30.0 30.0
$Clip Size: 1 1
$Clip Reload Time: 1.0
$Mass: 200.0
$Velocity: 20.0
$Fire Wait: 0.8
$Damage: 1000
$Damage Multi: 1500
$AI Damage Scale: 0.16 0.65
$Lifetime: 15.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Shoulder Launch"
$Fly Sound: "missile_loop.wav" 10 1.0
$Impact Sound: "default" ""
$Geomod Sound: "Weapon Geomod Small"
$Impact Vclips: ("shoulder_cannon_explode")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (9.0)
$Trail emitter: ""
$Damage Radius: 25.0
$Damage Radius Multi: 30.0
    +Crater Radius: 7.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: true
    +Inner Radius: 4.0
    +Outer Radius: 7.0
    +Color: {255,255,63}
$Muzzle Flash Light: true
    +Inner Radius: 4.0
    +Outer Radius: 7.0
    +Color: {255,255,192}
$Scorch Bitmap: "missileblastmk01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <8.0, 8.0, 8.0>
$Thrust Lifetime: 3.0

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Vauss"
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("continuous_fire" "from_eye")
$Flags2: ("undeviating")
$Damage Type: "bullet"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: "reticle.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.02
$Max Ammo: 170 170
$Ammo Type: "turret_ammo"
$AI attack range: 30.0 30.0
$Mass: 0.2
$Velocity: 275.0
$Fire Wait: 0.08
$Spread Degrees: 1.5
$Spread Degrees Multi: 1.5
$AI Spread Degrees: 1.5 1.5
$Damage: 100
$Damage Multi: 100
$AI Damage Scale: 0.2 0.2
$Lifetime: 0.5
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Vauss5 Fire"
$Launch Fail: "Glock Fail"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Sound: "default" "Gun Hit Default"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Gun Hit Flesh"
$Impact Sound: "metal" "Gun Hit Metal"
$Impact Sound: "rock" "Gun Hit Rock"
$Impact Sound: "water" "Gun Hit Water"
$Impact Vclips: ("FGatE_bigspark" "gatsmoke")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (0.3 0.3)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Muzzle Flash Light: true
    +Inner Radius: 3.0
    +Outer Radius: 6.0
    +Color: {255,255,192}
$Scorch Bitmap: "bullethole01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <0.1, 0.1, 0.1>
$Shells Ejected:
    +V3D: "fp_aslt_rfl_shell.v3d"
    +Base Dir: <1.5, 2.5, 1.0>
    +Eject Velocity: 4.0
    +Custom Sound Set: "9mm shell casings"
$Camera Shake:
    +Distance: 0.001
    +Time: 0.04
$Tracers: true
    +Tracer Frequency: 0
    +Tracer Effect: "Tracer01.VFX"
$Piercing: true
    +Piercing Power: 0.1
    +Ricochet Angle: 45.0
    +Ricochet Bitmap: "Scrape.tga"
    +Ricochet Size: <0.2, 0.2, 0.2>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Tankbot Chaingun"
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("continuous_fire" "from_eye")
$Flags2: ("undeviating")
$Damage Type: "bullet"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: "reticle.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.02
$Max Ammo: 170 170
$Ammo Type: "turret_ammo"
$AI attack range: 50.0 50.0
$Mass: 0.2
$Velocity: 250.0
$Fire Wait: 1
$Spread Degrees: 1.5
$Spread Degrees Multi: 1.5
$AI Spread Degrees: 1.5 1.5
$Burst Mode: true
    +Burst Count: 16
    +Burst Delay: 0.1
    +Burst Launch Sound: "tankbot_attack_guns.wav" 7 0.9
    +Burst Alt Fire: false
$Damage: 100
$Damage Multi: 100
$AI Damage Scale: 0.2 0.2
$Lifetime: 0.5
$Homing: false
$Launch: "TBot attack guns"
$Launch Fail: "Rail Fail"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Sound: "default" "Gun Hit Default"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Gun Hit Flesh"
$Impact Sound: "metal" "Gun Hit Metal"
$Impact Sound: "rock" "Gun Hit Rock"
$Impact Sound: "water" "Gun Hit Water"
$Impact Vclips: ("FGatE_bigspark" "gatsmoke")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (0.3 0.3)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Muzzle Flash Light: true
    +Inner Radius: 3.0
    +Outer Radius: 6.0
    +Color: {255,255,192}
$Scorch Bitmap: "bullethole01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <0.1, 0.1, 0.1>
$Shells Ejected:
    +V3D: "fp_aslt_rfl_shell.v3d"
    +Base Dir: <1.5, 2.5, 1.0>
    +Eject Velocity: 4.0
    +Custom Sound Set: "9mm shell casings"
$Camera Shake:
    +Distance: 0.001
    +Time: 0.04
$Tracers: true
    +Tracer Frequency: 0
    +Tracer Effect: "Tracer01.VFX"
$Piercing: true
    +Piercing Power: 0.1
    +Ricochet Angle: 45.0
    +Ricochet Bitmap: "Scrape.tga"
    +Ricochet Size: <0.2, 0.2, 0.2>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "TriBeam Laser"
$V3D Filename: "spikeprojectile.vfx"
$Flags: ()
$Flags2: ("undeviating" "no_fire_through")
$Damage Type: "energy"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$Collision Radius: 0.2
$Max Ammo: 200 200
$Ammo Type: "power cell"
$AI attack range: 30.0 30.0
$Mass: 0.2
$Velocity: 30.0
$Fire Wait: 5.0
$Damage: 225
$Damage Multi: 225
$Lifetime: 20.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Spike Attack"
$Fly Sound: "spike_attack_02.wav" 8 0.9
$Impact Delay: 2.5
$Impact Sound: "default" "Laser Hit Default"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Laser Hit Flesh"
$Impact Sound: "metal" "Laser Hit Metal"
$Impact Sound: "rock" "Laser Hit Rock"
$Impact Sound: "water" "Laser Hit Water"
$Impact Vclips: ("tribeam hit")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (4.0)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Laser"
$V3D Filename: "laser01.vfx"
$Flags: ()
$Flags2: ("undeviating" "no_fire_through")
$Damage Type: "bullet"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$Collision Radius: 0.2
$Max Ammo: 200 200
$Ammo Type: "power cell"
$AI attack range: 5.0 5.0
$Mass: 0.2
$Velocity: 20.0
$Fire Wait: 0.4
$Spread Degrees: 2.5
$Spread Degrees Multi: 2.5
$Damage: 80
$Damage Multi: 80
$Lifetime: 20.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Laser fire"
$Fly Sound: "Laser loop.wav" 8 0.9
$Impact Sound: "default" "Laser Hit Default"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Laser Hit Flesh"
$Impact Sound: "metal" "Laser Hit Metal"
$Impact Sound: "rock" "Laser Hit Rock"
$Impact Sound: "water" "Laser Hit Water"
$Impact Vclips: ("Laser Hit" "small_tommyspark")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (1.0)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Capek Cane"
$V3D Filename: "NanoAttackMissile.vfx"
$Flags: ()
$Flags2: ("no_world_collide")
$Damage Type: "energy"
$3rd Person V3D: "capekscane.V3D"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$Collision Radius: 0.5
$Max Ammo: 200 200
$Ammo Type: "power cell"
$AI attack range: 15.0 15.0
$Mass: 0.2
$Velocity: 20.0
$Fire Wait: 3.0
$Damage: 225
$Damage Multi: 225
$Lifetime: 2.5
$Homing: true
    +Turn Time: 6
    +View Cone: 120.0
    +Scanning Range: 40.0
    +Wakeup Time: 0.0
$Launch: "Capek Cane Launch"
$Fly Sound: "Capekcane_Fire_02.wav" 8 1.0
$Impact Delay: 1.5
$Impact Sound: "default" "Riot Impact"
$Impact Vclips: ("NanoAttackHit")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (1.0)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Creature Melee Attacks

$Name: "Reeper Claw"
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("melee" "underwater" "from_eye")
$Flags2: ("no_fire_through")
$Damage Type: "bash"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$Collision Radius: 0.5
$Max Ammo: 200 200
$Ammo Type: "12mm"
$AI attack range: 3.8 3.8
$Mass: 5.0
$Velocity: 3.5
$Fire Wait: 2.0
// JA: Reduced damage from 80.0 80.0 to 40.0 40.0 Jan 15, 01
$Damage: 40.0
$Damage Multi: 40.0
$Lifetime: 1
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Riot Attack"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Delay: 0.4
$Impact Delay: 0.8
$Impact Sound: "default" "Riot Impact Default"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Impact Flesh"
$Impact Sound: "metal" "Riot Impact Metal"
$Impact Sound: "rock" "Riot Impact Rock"
$Impact Sound: "water" "Small Water Splash"
$Impact Sound: "glass" "Gun Hit Glass"
$Impact Vclips: ("riotspark")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (0.3)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Scorch Bitmap: "scrape.tga"
$Scorch Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Glass Decal Bitmap: "bullethole02glass_A.tga"
$Glass Decal Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Baby Reeper Claw"
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("melee" "underwater" "from_eye")
$Flags2: ("no_fire_through")
$Damage Type: "bash"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$Collision Radius: 0.5
$Max Ammo: 100 100
$Ammo Type: "12mm"
$AI attack range: 2.5 2.5
$Mass: 5.0
$Velocity: 1.5
$Fire Wait: 2.0
// JA: Reduced damage from 40.0 40.0 to 10.0 10.0 Jan 15, 01
$Damage: 10.0
$Damage Multi: 10.0
$Lifetime: 1
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Riot Attack"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Delay: 0.3
$Impact Delay: 0.6
$Impact Sound: "default" "Riot Impact Default"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Scrape Flesh"
$Impact Sound: "metal" "Riot Impact Metal"
$Impact Sound: "rock" "Riot Impact Rock"
$Impact Sound: "water" "Small Water Splash"
$Impact Sound: "glass" "Gun Hit Glass"
$Impact Vclips: ("riotspark")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (0.3)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Scorch Bitmap: "scrape.tga"
$Scorch Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Glass Decal Bitmap: "bullethole02glass_A.tga"
$Glass Decal Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Rock Snake Smash"
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("melee")
$Flags2: ("no_fire_through")
$Damage Type: "bash"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$Collision Radius: 1
$Max Ammo: 200 200
$Ammo Type: "12mm"
$AI attack range: 7.0 7.0
$Mass: 5.0
$Velocity: 5
$Fire Wait: 2.5
$Damage: 1600.0
$Damage Multi: 1600.0
$Lifetime: 1
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Sea Creature Attack"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Delay: 0.8
$Impact Sound: "default" ""
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Impact Flesh"
$Impact Vclips: ("")
$Impact Vclips Radius: ()
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Rock Snake Spit"
$V3D Filename: "SpitAttack.vfx"
$Flags: ()
$Flags2: ("no_fire_through")
$Damage Type: "armor piercing bullet"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$Collision Radius: 0.5
$Max Ammo: 200 200
$Ammo Type: "12mm"
$AI attack range: 50.0 50.0
$Mass: 5.0
$Velocity: 30.0
$Fire Wait: 3.0
$Damage: 80.0
$Damage Multi: 80.0
$Lifetime: 10.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: "RSnake Spit"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Delay: 1.0
$Impact Sound: "default" "Spit Hit"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Impact Flesh"
$Impact Vclips: ("acid splash")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (5.0)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Scorch Bitmap: "AcidBlob.tga"
$Scorch Size: <3.0, 3.0, 3.0>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Big Rock Snake Smash"
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("melee")
$Flags2: ("no_fire_through")
$Damage Type: "bash"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$Collision Radius: 2
$Max Ammo: 200 200
$Ammo Type: "12mm"
$AI attack range: 10.0 10.0
$Mass: 5.0
$Velocity: 10
$Fire Wait: 2.5
$Damage: 1600.0
$Damage Multi: 1600.0
$Lifetime: 1
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Sea Creature Attack"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Delay: 0.6
$Impact Sound: "default" ""
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Impact Flesh"
$Impact Vclips: ("")
$Impact Vclips Radius: ()
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Big Rock Snake Spit"
$V3D Filename: "SpitAttack.vfx"
$Flags: ()
$Flags2: ("no_fire_through")
$Damage Type: "armor piercing bullet"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$Collision Radius: 0.5
$Max Ammo: 200 200
$Ammo Type: "12mm"
$AI attack range: 50.0 50.0
$Mass: 5.0
$Velocity: 30.0
$Fire Wait: 2.5
$Damage: 80.0
$Damage Multi: 80.0
$Lifetime: 10.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: "BSnake Spit"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Delay: 0.8
$Impact Sound: "default" "Spit Hit"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Impact Flesh"
$Impact Vclips: ("acid splash")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (3.0)
$Damage Radius: 3.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Scorch Bitmap: "AcidBlob.tga"
$Scorch Size: <3.0, 3.0, 3.0>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Sea Creature Sonar Attack"
$V3D Filename: "SonarAttack.VFX"
$Flags: ("underwater" "from_eye" "torpedo")
$Flags2: ("undeviating" "no_fire_through")
$Damage Type: "energy"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$Collision Radius: 0.5
$Max Ammo: 200 200
$Ammo Type: "12mm"
$AI attack range: 15.0 15.0
$Mass: 5.0
$Velocity: 20.0
$Fire Wait: 2.5
$Damage: 80.0
$Damage Multi: 80.0
$Lifetime: 3.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: ""
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Sound: "default" ""
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Impact Flesh"
$Impact Vclips: ("")
$Impact Vclips Radius: ()
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Drone Smash"
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("melee" "underwater" "from_eye")
$Flags2: ("no_fire_through")
$Damage Type: "bash"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$Collision Radius: 0.5
$Max Ammo: 200 200
$Ammo Type: "12mm"
$AI attack range: 5.0 5.0
$Mass: 5.0
$Velocity: 5
$Fire Wait: 1.5
$Damage: 1600.0
$Damage Multi: 1600.0
$Lifetime: 1
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Sea Creature Attack"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Delay: 0.4
$Impact Sound: "default" ""
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Impact Flesh"
$Impact Vclips: ("")
$Impact Vclips Radius: ()
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Tankbot Smash"
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("melee" "underwater" "from_eye")
$Flags2: ("no_fire_through")
$Damage Type: "bash"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$Collision Radius: 0.5
$Max Ammo: 200 200
$Ammo Type: "12mm"
$AI attack range: 5.0 5.0
$Mass: 5.0
$Velocity: 5
$Fire Wait: 1.5
$Damage: 1200.0
$Damage Multi: 1200.0
$Lifetime: 1
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Sea Creature Attack"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Delay: 0.4
$Impact Sound: "default" ""
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Impact Flesh"
$Impact Vclips: ("")
$Impact Vclips Radius: ()
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Mutant Attack 1"
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("melee" "underwater" "from_eye")
$Flags2: ("no_fire_through")
$Damage Type: "bash"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$Collision Radius: 0.5
$Max Ammo: 200 200
$Ammo Type: "12mm"
$AI attack range: 2.5 2.5
$Mass: 5.0
$Velocity: 1.5
$Fire Wait: 1.5
$Damage: 40.0
$Damage Multi: 40.0
$Lifetime: 1
$Homing: false
$Launch: ""
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Delay: 0.15
$Impact Delay: 0.5
$Impact Sound: "default" ""
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Riot Impact Flesh"
$Impact Vclips: ("")
$Impact Vclips Radius: ()
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Mutant Attack 2"
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("melee" "underwater" "from_eye")
$Flags2: ("no_fire_through")
$Damage Type: "bash"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$Collision Radius: 0.5
$Max Ammo: 200 200
$Ammo Type: "12mm"
$AI attack range: 2.5 2.5
$Mass: 5.0
$Velocity: 2
$Fire Wait: 1.5
$Damage: 40.0
$Damage Multi: 40.0
$Lifetime: 1
$Homing: false
$Launch: ""
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Delay: 0.15
$Impact Sound: "default" ""
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Riot Impact Flesh"
$Impact Vclips: ("")
$Impact Vclips Radius: ()
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "HEAP"
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("from_eye")
$Flags2: ("undeviating")
$Damage Type: "explosive"
$3rd Person V3D: ""
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: "reticle.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.02
$Max Ammo: 20 20
$Ammo Type: "15cm rocket"
$AI attack range: 30.0 30.0
$Mass: 2.0
$Velocity: 200.0
$Fire Wait: 0.80
$Spread Degrees: 0.0
$Spread Degrees Multi: 0.0
$AI Spread Degrees: 2.0 2.0
$Damage: 250
$Damage Multi: 250
$AI Damage Scale: 0.2 0.2
$Lifetime: 5.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Heap Launch"
$Launch Fail: "Glock Fail"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Sound: "default" "Rocket Hit Default"
$Geomod Sound: "Weapon Geomod Small"
$Impact Vclips: ("charge_explode")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (2.0)
$Damage Radius: 5.0
    +Crater Radius: 4.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Scorch Bitmap: "missileblastmk01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <4.0, 4.0, 4.0>
$Tracers: true
    +Tracer Frequency: 0
    +Tracer Effect: "Tracer01.VFX"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Torpedo"
$V3D Filename: "torpedo01.v3d"
$Flags: ("underwater" "torpedo")
$Flags2: ("no_fire_through")
$Damage Type: "explosive"
$3rd Person V3D: ""
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: ""
$Collision Radius: 0.15
$Max Ammo: 20 20
$Ammo Type: "torpedo"
$AI attack range: 50.0 50.0
$Mass: 2.0
$Velocity: 7.0
$Fire Wait: 3.0
$Damage: 200
$Damage Multi: 200
$AI Damage Scale: 0.8 0.8
$Lifetime: 10.0
$Homing: true
    +Turn Time: 12.0
    +View Cone: 110.0
    +Scanning Range: 30.0
    +Wakeup Time: 0.10
$Launch: "Torpedo Launch"
$Underwater Launch: "Torpedo Launch"
$Fly Sound: "Torpedo_loop.wav" 10 0.9
$Impact Sound: "default" "Torpedo Hit Default"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Torpedo Hit Flesh"
$Geomod Sound: "Weapon Geomod Large"
$Impact Vclips: ("charge_explode")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (2.0)
//$Impact Vclips: ("torpedo_explode")
//$Impact Vclips Radius: (1.5)
$Trail emitter: "torpedo"
$Damage Radius: 5.0
    +Crater Radius: 5.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "APC Minigun"
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("continuous_fire" "from_eye" "fixed_muz_flash")
$Flags2: ("undeviating")
$Damage Type: "armor piercing bullet"
$3rd Person Muzzle Flash Glare: "Assault Muzzle Flash"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: "reticle.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.02
$Max Ammo: 999 999
$Ammo Type: "turret_ammo"
$AI attack range: 40.0 40.0
$Mass: 0.2
$Velocity: 250.0
$Fire Wait: 0.08
$Spread Degrees: 1.0
$Spread Degrees Multi: 1.0
$AI Spread Degrees: 1.0 1.0
$Damage: 150
$Damage Multi: 100
$AI Damage Scale: 0.3 0.3
$Lifetime: 0.5
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Vauss2 Fire"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Sound: "default" "Gun Hit Default"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Gun Hit Flesh"
$Impact Sound: "metal" "Gun Hit Metal"
$Impact Sound: "rock" "Gun Hit Rock"
$Impact Sound: "water" "Gun Hit Water"
$Impact Vclips: ("gatspark" "gatsmoke")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (0.6 0.6)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Scorch Bitmap: "bullethole01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Glass Decal Bitmap: "bullethole02glass_A.tga"
$Glass Decal Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Tracers: true
    +Tracer Frequency: 1
    +Tracer Effect: "Tracer01.VFX"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Jeep Gun"
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("continuous_fire" "from_eye")
$Flags2: ("undeviating")
$Damage Type: "armor piercing bullet"
$3rd Person Muzzle Flash Glare: "Assault Muzzle Flash"
$1st Person Mesh: "fp_jgun.vcm"
$1st Person FOV: 65
$1st Person offset: <0.192,0.228,0.885>
$1st Person offset SS: <0.292,0.228,0.885>
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Bitmap: "muzzleflash07.tga"
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Radius: .5
+State: "idle" "fp_jgun_idle.mvf"
+Action: "fire" "fp_jgun_fire.mvf" ""
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: "reticle.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.02
$Max Ammo: 999 999
$Ammo Type: "turret_ammo"
$AI attack range: 40.0 40.0
$Mass: 0.2
$Velocity: 250.0
$Fire Wait: 0.12
$Spread Degrees: 0.9
$Spread Degrees Multi: 0.5
$AI Spread Degrees: 2.0 2.0
$Start Sound: "Jeep Gun Attack"
$Start Delay: 0.10
$Stop Sound: "Jeep Gun Release"
$Damage: 100
$Damage Multi: 100
$Lifetime: 0.5
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Jeep Gun Loop"
$Launch Fail: "Glock Fail"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Sound: "default" "Gun Hit Default"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Gun Hit Flesh"
$Impact Sound: "metal" "Gun Hit Metal"
$Impact Sound: "rock" "Gun Hit Rock"
$Impact Sound: "water" "Gun Hit Water"
$Impact Vclips: ("FGatE_bigspark" "gatsmoke")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (0.3 0.3)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Muzzle Flash Light: true
    +Inner Radius: 1.5
    +Outer Radius: 3.0
    +Color: {255,255,192}
$Scorch Bitmap: "bullethole01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <0.2, 0.2, 0.2>
$Glass Decal Bitmap: "bullethole02glass_A.tga"
$Glass Decal Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Shells Ejected:
    +V3D: "fp_aslt_rfl_shell.v3d"
    +Base Dir: <1.5, 2.5, 1.0>
    +Eject Velocity: 4.0
    +Custom Sound Set: "9mm shell casings"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Fighter Minigun"
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("continuous_fire" "fixed_muz_flash")
$Flags2: ("undeviating")
$Damage Type: "armor piercing bullet"
$3rd Person Muzzle Flash Glare: "Assault Muzzle Flash"
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Bitmap: "muzzleflash07.tga"
$1st Person Muzzle Flash Radius: 1.0
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: ""
$Collision Radius: 0.02
$Max Ammo: 900 900
$Ammo Type: "turret_ammo"
$AI attack range: 25.0 25.0
$Mass: 0.2
$Velocity: 275.0
$Fire Wait: 0.05
$Spread Degrees: 1.5
$Spread Degrees Multi: 1.5
$AI Spread Degrees: 1.5 1.5
$Start Sound: "Fighter Chaingun Start"
$Start Delay: 0.10
$Stop Sound: "Fighter Chaingun Stop"
$Damage: 100
$Damage Multi: 100
$AI Damage Scale: 0.20 0.20
$Lifetime: 2.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Vauss1 Fire"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Sound: "default" "Gun Hit Default"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Gun Hit Flesh"
$Impact Sound: "metal" "Gun Hit Metal"
$Impact Sound: "rock" "Gun Hit Rock"
$Impact Sound: "water" "Gun Hit Water"
$Impact Vclips: ("FGatE_bigspark" "gatsmoke")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (0.3 0.4)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Scorch Bitmap: "bullethole01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Glass Decal Bitmap: "bullethole02glass_A.tga"
$Glass Decal Size: <0.3, 0.3, 0.3>
$Shells Ejected:
    +V3D: "fp_aslt_rfl_shell.v3d"
    +Base Dir: <1.5, 2.5, 1.0>
    +Eject Velocity: 4.0
    +Custom Sound Set: "9mm shell casings"
$Tracers: true
    +Tracer Frequency: 1
    +Tracer Effect: "Tracer01.VFX"

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Drill"
$V3D Filename: ""
$Flags: ("melee" "continuous_fire" "underwater")
$Flags2: ("no_fire_through")
$Damage Type: "bash"
$3rd Person V3D: "Driller01_Drillbit.v3d"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$Collision Radius: 0.2
$Max Ammo: 0 0
$Ammo Type: ""
$AI attack range: 1.0 1.0
$Mass: 0.0
$Velocity: 0.0
$Fire Wait: 0.5
$Start Sound: "Drill Start"
$Start Delay: 1.0
$Stop Sound: "Drill Stop"
$Damage: 30.0
$Damage Multi: 30.0
$Alt Damage: 50.0
$Alt Damage Multi: 50.0
$Lifetime: 2.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Drill Loop"
$Alt Launch: "Drill Loop"
$Fly Sound: ""
$Impact Delay: 0.2
$Impact Sound: "default" "Shovel Hit Rock"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Shovel Hit Flesh"
$Impact Sound: "metal" "Shovel Hit Metal"
$Impact Sound: "rock" "Shovel Hit Rock"
$Impact Sound: "water" "Shovel Hit Water"
$Impact Sound: "ice" "Shovel Hit Ice"
//$Impact Vclips: ( "drill_particles_smoke" "drill_particles_sparks" "drill_particles_rocks" )
$Impact Vclips: ("drill_particles_sparks" "drill_particles_rocks" )
$Impact Vclips Radius: (1.0 1.0)
$Damage Radius: 0.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#Secondary Weapons

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Drone Missile"
$V3D Filename: "DrillMissile01.VFX"
$Flags: ("flickers" "thruster")
$Flags2: ("undeviating" "no_fire_through")
$Damage Type: "explosive"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$Collision Radius: 0.15
$Max Ammo: 12 12
$Ammo Type: "15cm rocket"
$AI attack range: 30.0 30.0
$Mass: 2.0
$Velocity: 20.0
$Fire Wait: 4.0
$Damage: 15
$Damage Multi: 15
$Lifetime: 5.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Missile Launch Drone"
$Fly Sound: "missile_loop.wav" 10 0.9
$Impact Sound: "default" "Small Explosion"
$Geomod Sound: "Weapon Geomod Small"
$Impact Vclips: ("big_charge_explode")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (7.0)
$Trail emitter: "missile"
$Damage Radius: 2.0
    +Crater Radius: 5.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Scorch Bitmap: "missileblastmk01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <4.0, 4.0, 4.0>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Tankbot Missile"
$V3D Filename: "DrillMissile01.VFX"
$Flags: ("flickers" "thruster")
$Flags2: ("undeviating" "no_fire_through")
$Damage Type: "explosive"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$Collision Radius: 0.15
$Max Ammo: 36 36
$Ammo Type: "15cm rocket"
$AI attack range: 150.0 150.0
$Mass: 2.0
$Velocity: 15.0
$Fire Wait: 4.0
$Damage: 25
$Damage Multi: 25
$Lifetime: 6.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Missile Launch Drone"
$Fly Sound: "missile_loop.wav" 10 0.9
$Impact Sound: "default" "Small Explosion"
$Geomod Sound: "Weapon Geomod Small"
$Impact Vclips: ("big_charge_explode")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (7.0)
$Trail emitter: "missile"
$Damage Radius: 3.0
    +Crater Radius: 5.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Scorch Bitmap: "missileblastmk01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <4.0, 4.0, 4.0>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "Fighter Rocket"
$V3D Filename: "DrillMissile01.VFX"
$Flags: ("flickers" "thruster")
$Flags2: ("undeviating" "no_fire_through")
$Damage Type: "explosive"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$Collision Radius: 0.15
$Max Ammo: 20 20
$Ammo Type: "15cm rocket"
$AI attack range: 25.0 25.0
$Mass: 2.0
$Velocity: 25.0
$Fire Wait: 3
$Damage: 200
$Damage Multi: 200
$AI Damage Scale: 0.2 0.2
$Lifetime: 5.0
$Homing: true
    +Turn Time: 8.0
    +View Cone: 110.0
    +Scanning Range: 30.0
    +Wakeup Time: 0.25
$Launch: "Fighter Rocket Launch"
$Fly Sound: "missile_loop.wav" 10 0.9
$Impact Sound: "default" "Small Explosion"
$Impact Sound: "flesh" "Rocket Hit Flesh"
$Geomod Sound: "Weapon Geomod Small"
$Impact Vclips: ("rocket_impact")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (1.5)
$Trail emitter: "missile"
$Damage Radius: 15.0
    +Crater Radius: 8.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Scorch Bitmap: "missileblastmk01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <4.0, 4.0, 4.0>

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

$Name: "APC Rocket"
$V3D Filename: "Morter01.V3D"
$Flags: ("gravity")
$Flags2: ("no_fire_through")
$Damage Type: "explosive"
$Bitmap Filename: ""
$HUD Icon Filename: ""
$HUD Reticle Filename: "reticle.tga"
$Collision Radius: 0.15
$Max Ammo: 15 15
$Ammo Type: "shell"
$AI attack range: 50.0 50.0
$Mass: 2.0
$Velocity: 30.0
$Fire Wait: 1.5
$Damage: 500
$Damage Multi: 300
$Lifetime: 5.0
$Homing: false
$Launch: "Mortar Launch"
$Fly Sound: "missile_loop.wav" 10 0.9
$Impact Sound: "default" ""
$Geomod Sound: "Weapon Geomod Large"
$Impact Vclips: ("charge_explode")
$Impact Vclips Radius: (2.5)
$Trail emitter: "ballistic"
$Damage Radius: 10.0
    +Crater Radius: 8.0
$Sticky: false
$Glow: false
$Scorch Bitmap: "missileblastmk01_A.tga"
$Scorch Size: <4.0, 4.0, 4.0>
