Red Faction II Bonus Objectives

From Red Faction Wiki


This article contains information on how to complete Bonus Objectives throughout the single player campaign for Red Faction II

Bonus objectives form both extra content throughout the story missions, and also help add to the Heroic System for which the game determines the endings of the game.

Foreign Lands

Containment Facility

  • Reset the automated turret.

To reset the automated turret, you have to get behind the turret that's shooting at you as soon as you enter the Nano-Cell room, without destroying it, and hit the "use" key on the back of it - this will in turn retarget it to attack enemies instead of you.

Public Information Building

Lobby Level

  • Exit the booth via a Geo-Mod hole.

This is pretty straightforward, as you start the level with the Nano-GL, as soon as the cutscene ends, just shoot the wall with the weapon, and it will create a hole for you to exit from. Do not wait for Molov to open the door or else it will not count.

Admin Area

  • Disable the turret with an objective charge.

Ordinarily when you play this level you find a way to either destroy the automated turret or geo-mod the office booths to get around it. Do not destroy it from the front, instead, use the office booths and get behind it, you'll see an area to place Alias' demolition charges on the back of it, press the "use" key to place the charge, a countdown will happen and the turret will blow up. then make sure the bonus objective pops up before leaving the level.

Propaganda Studios

  • Disrupt Sopot's broadcast.

As soon as you enter the room where you get the cutscene that plays introducing Repta, the control room on your immediate right will have Sopot Elite Guards inside - shoot a grenade through the window, this should destroy it. (Note; if you do not do this Repta will eventually do it anyway and the objective will tick off regardless).

  • Destroy Sopot's media archives.

Once you exit the room you just previously destroyed, you'll be met with a room with many shelves and some enemies. To achieve this objective - either quickly use the Nano-GL or grenades to quickly destroy all the boxes on the shelves, which should tick off the objective.

  • Find the fastest way out.

In the final room of the floor in the level, you will see a catwalk above you (usually with enemies on top). An explosion happens above you which dislodges the walkway, then you must shoot it with grenades to make it completely fall. (Note; if you do not shoot it, it will collapse on its own, but will not tick off, you must be the one to destroy it fully.)

In The Rain

  • Disable the radar control console.

Whilst traversing the rooftop - about halfway around there's an option to go inside (acts like a shortcut to get further around the rooftops), whilst in there you'll come into a room with wires and a metal chain-link fence on the left, go into the room behind the fence, and blow up all the monitors back there to tick off this objective.

To The Rooftop

  • Find the bonus weapon!

To find the W.A.S.P - you have to Geo-Mod the wall to the left of the stairs in the final room of the level (where you battle the military gunship.) At the bottom of the stairs create a Geo hole, go through and there will be a ladder, on top of the ladder will be a platform with the weapon, and that will tick off this objective.