Red Faction Clan List

From Red Faction Wiki
Revision as of 12:16, 16 October 2008 by Maricruz (talk | contribs) (→‎Estonian)

Here is a listing of all the currently active Red Faction clans.

THIS PAGE IS INCOMPLETE! If you want to add your clan, copy and paste the "Example Clan" as a template.

Example Clan

Tag: [ExC]

Members: 12 (As of July 3, 2008)

Description: This is an example clan. We are really good at the game. Woohoo!

Website: Example Clanbase

Red Faction Assassins

Tag: {RFA}

Members: 11 (As of October 15, 2008)

Description: The first official RF:G clan.

Website: Beyond Epic


Tag: #[EST]#

Members: Approximately 8 (As of October 16, 2008)

Description: An international clan with currently only European members.

Website: Estonian